Chapter 47

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*Archie's POV*
Someone turns on loud music and everyone starts dancing. I look around and see (Y/N) running up the stairs. I just sigh. I push passed people and see..Valerie here? Oh God..I run to the shed, and bust the door open, seeing Jughead sitting in a chair, petting Vegas.

"Dude! Valerie just got here. You think she wants me back?" I say.

"Archie, as my blood-brother," he starts and I sit down. "it was your sole responsibility to ensure that something like this never happened on my birthday." I sigh, "And now we're here. In the middle of a Seth Rogen movie."

"This was Betty's idea, okay? I just went along with it. Oh, and don't get mad at (Y/N). She didn't want this either." I say.

"It's just so not me."

Someone starts knocking on the door, and opens it. It's FP.

"Dad..hey." Jug stands up.

"Happy birthday, Jughead." He says, and taps on a present he's holding.

I stand up, too. "How are you, Mr. Jones?" I ask.

He puts his hands up, "Happy to be here. Celebrating with my son."

"Did Betty call you?" I ask.


"Of course.." Jug says.

"She knows what she wants, that one." Wait, he doesn't think that they're together right? Ugh, that would be bad. FP looks out the window, "Didn't realize you had so many friends."

"I don't. Fair warning, you're the only adult here."

"So I gather." He holds up the present, "Where can I put this?"

"There's a table in the den." I say.

"Alright." He says and turns around and walks out.

*Your POV*
I finally get my act together and get up and go back downstairs. I start to pick up some cups around, and put them into a trash bag. I walk into the kitchen and see Chuck. I put the bag down and go over to him.

"Okay, I tried to be nice to you, but you did this to Jug and now I don't think that's possible. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, nicely."

"Nicely? Because what, you're back to being the nice girl now?" he asks. I cross my arms. "(Y/N), what you, Betty, and Veronica did, when you guys got me kicked off the football team, you ruined any chance I had of playing for Notre Dame."

I tilt my head, "Sorry. I guess that's just what you get for sexually harassing girls. And I'm sorry that you had to find out that there were actual consequences." I see Betty, at the doorway. We make eye contact for a second, and then I look back at him.

"You know, I feel like if you took Betty's part, you would've looked so much better-" he starts, but I quickly slap him in the face and walk away, passed Betty.

I keep looking around for Jug, and I realized that there's one place that I haven't checked..the garage. Ugh, of course he would be there, how come I didn't' think of it before? I walk passed everyone and find him there, pacing around. "Hey.."

He turns and looks at me. "Hi."

I close the door, "Just so you know, this was all Betty's idea. I just wanted to go to the movie." I laugh a little, but he doesn't say anything. "Is it really that bad?"

"I..have to tell you something. About that photographer, Martinez."

"Okay..what is it?"

He sighs, "(Y/N), he's going to take your pictures and make them his own. He's done it before a couple years ago with some other students."

My eyes widen. Is he serious right now? "W-What? When did you find this out?"

"A couple days ago."

"Wait..WHAT?! You knew about this for a couple days and you didn't tell me?"

"(Y/N), I-"

"You what? You thought that I just would never find out? Is that it? Or you thought that I wasn't strong enough to take it?"

"No, of course not! You were so excited about telling me, and I couldn't tell you then!"

I don't say anything..because I don't even know what to say. No words come to my mind. I'm clueless. My dream photographer is fake, and I'm in this God-awful fight with my boyfriend.

"I don't even know what to say." I turn around, so my back's facing him.

"I'm sorry that this happened. But I'm just in a bad mood too so,"

"Because of this party, right? With Cheryl and Chuck?"

"And you."

I turn around, "What?"

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"I tried, but Betty-"

"No, see if you actually cared, about this, you would be out there telling everyone to leave."

What the hell is he doing? Is he really making this my fault?

"Your 'best friend' Cheryl just decided to crash in and take over."

"Wait, are you blaming me for being friends with Cheryl? Jug, you can't be serious!"

"Well, I kind of am! I hate the Blossoms!"

"I hate Cheryl's parents, too!"

"But not Cheryl." I don't say anything. "Right?"

"I cannot believe you right now." I say, backing up. My eyes start to water as I think about saying the next thing, "You know if you really hate Cheryl that much, then maybe you hate me too because you can't tell me anything anymore. Maybe, I should just leave, and maybe you can just be with Betty instead!"

A shocked expression grows on his face, but he doesn't say anything.. I just turn around and walk out the door. I go to the front and walk towards the door.

Word Count: 942

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