Chapter 51

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*Your POV*
We're all sitting at the table for lunch.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have an announcement to make. One that, potentially involves you, Betty." Cheryl says. We all turn to face her. "I'm taking Polly to the dance as my date. We're going to campaign as homecoming court."

"Why?" Betty asks, annoyed.

"Because, Nightmare Smurfette." I slightly chuckle, and Jug lightly punches my arm, chuckling, too. Betty looks at Veronica, and she just shakes her head. "By all rights, it should've been Polly and Jason up there being crowned. This, is the next best thing." She pauses, "SO," she makes everyone jump, "Make sure to vote, and I'll see everyone at my coronation." And with that, she walks off.

"Betty," Archie starts, "about the homecoming, can I play a couple songs? I kind of-" he stops because Betty's making a face. "Wait what, you don't want me to?"

"No, no, it's not that, Archie, it's just, um..this dance needs to be, fun. And your songs, as amazing as they are,"

"They make you want to slit your wrists." Jug says. I immediately look over to him and punch his arm, hardly. "Ow." He says.

I look back over to Archie. "Your songs are great. But, Betty may have a point. Maybe you could do a cover of a fun one?"

"Yes." Veronica says. "We should do it together. That way your mom can still hear you sing."

"Wait, your mom's in town?" I ask.

"Yeah. She came this morning."


Jug leans over to me, "That hurt, you know."

"Well ya deserved it." I laugh.


I'm helping Betty set up in the gym. I finish hanging something on the ceiling.

"Hey, you." I hear someone say, I turn around and it's Jug.

"Yeah?" I climb down from the ladder.

"Betty's mom invited us to go over to dinner at her place before the dance."


He shrugs, "Who knows. But he wants to invite my dad, too." I know exactly why, now.. "What's wrong?"

I realize that I was probably thinking out loud with my face. "Oh, it's nothing. Sorry. Anyways, yeah, that's great." He leans in and kisses me. I smile. He pulls away and I put my hand on his cheek. I take the box that he carried in. He smiles. "Now get outta here. Go help Archie stay on the latter." I laugh and playfully push his shoulder away.

He laughs, "Alright." I turn around and put the box down.


I drive back to Rose's house, and park my car. I walk inside, and she's sitting on the couch with Luci.

"Hey, (Y/N). How was your day?" she asks.

I laugh, "You sound like a mom." I sit on the couch with her. "Which..I realize that you actually are. Anyways, I've been thinking.."


"Well, I've been saving up a lot of money, recently and, well..I'm thinking about moving out again. I mean, it's been a couple months with you here, and it's fantastic! But, I feel like I shouldn't be here and I should be living on my own."

She chuckles, "(Y/N), you know that teenagers don't do that, right? I bet in your school like every 1 out of 45 kids are living alone. We're happy to have you here." She pauses, "Wait a second..."

I look up, "What?"

"Is this because you want some more alone time with your boyfriend?"

I feel myself blushing... "What? N-No." I laugh..maybe a little...ugh shut up (Y/N) "I just feel like I shouldn't take up your space."

"Yeah. I get that."

"Plus, I think I have enough money to get my own place for like the next 3 months. I've been working really hard at Pop's, and I still will. You don't have to worry about me."

She leans over and hugs me. "If this is what you really want."

"Yeah. I think it is." We smile and I get up. "Honestly I think I'm just gonna move back into my apartment, and explain to the guy that Adam stopped paying for it."

"Yeah, definitely." She says.

"So, I think maybe I'll spend one more night and then move out tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

Someone opens the door, I look behind me, and Gunner comes in, with snow all over him. He sees us, and quickly goes back outside, and then comes back in, with less snow on him. "Uh, car ran out of gas..." he says.

"Again?" Rose scoffs and laughs.

"Maybe." He runs upstairs.

"He's a good one." I nod.

She chuckles, "Yeah, he is."

"If he does anything to you,"

"I know, I know. You'll shove him in front of a bus."

I chuckle. "Yep. Well, I should go and pack some things up."

She smiles, "Okay."

I go upstairs and start packing a little bit. Gunner comes by and peeks through the door, "Leaving already?"

I sigh, "I feel like I should get back to living on my own. But you guys have been so nice for letting me stay here." I go over and give him a quick hug, and then go back to packing.

"Well, it was no problem. And thanks for watching Luci when we needed you to."


He walks away. I donated a lot of my clothes that I just never wore to Goodwill, and I'm glad I did, or else my drawers would be way too full.

About an hour later I'm done, and everything's in my truck. I go back downstairs.

"So, I called the manager of the building, and he said that I could easily move back in. the fee's $253 a month." I tell Rose.

"That's great!" she says.

We sit down at the table and are ready to eat dinner. I play with Luci a little bit before Rose brings out the food.

Word Count: 982

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