56. Uncertainty

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A/N - hi guys this is the real update lol enjoy!!!

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A/N - hi guys this is the real update lol enjoy!!!

"Guys, Yoongi is going to be fine," Hoseok spoke up while leaning on the wall, watching Jimin frantically walk back and forth across the deck, both hands in his orange hair. Namjoon looked equally as worried but stood still whilst Jungkook leaned on the railings and whistled a tune.

"He is not going to be fine, Hoseok!," Jimin screeched, making Hoseok raise an eyebrow at him. The air gem bearer watched in amusement as the former celebrity started to panic, sweat dripping down his forehead and shoulders shaking. It was nice to see that he was concerned for his friend. "You don't understand. Yoongi is fragile and needs to be handled with care. He can literally break with a touch and he's out there all alone with nobody to help or guide him! What if he dies?!"

"You guys are so noisy," Taehyung commented from his position in front of the captain's wheel with a scowl. Hoseok laughed to himself, knowing that the darkness gem bearer was still enjoying the chaos.

"Jimin?," Namjoon called out with furrowed brows, making Hoseok and the others face him. Jimin's eyes lit up at his friend's expression, thinking that the earth gem bearer was siding with him but disappointment flashed in his features when he said something else instead. "I think you're overreacting."

"No, I'm not!," Jimin responded almost instantly, his voice high-pitched and making Hoseok flinch a bit at the squeak. He watched the thunder gem bearer sit on the floor, both hands rubbing his temples. "Namjoon, Yoongi has french fries as legs. You can literally snap them in half. What's he going to do without us?"

"Not everyone is as thick as you, Jimin," Jungkook commented, his back fully lying down on the railings of the deck. He was blowing a feather with his breath, looking even more bored than ever.

"Thank you for pointing that out Jungkookie but still—"

"Jimin, you should trust Yoongi," Hoseok spoke after noticing that Jin, who was standing at the side, was watching the scene with a mixture of worry and infuriation. Pushing up his glasses, he sighed as he stepped towards Jimin, who was looking up at him with glassy eyes, and kneeled down to his level. "I know that you're worried about your friend..."

Hoseok paused and glanced at his side, spotting you and Emily leaning on the railings of the deck across Jungkook. He watched your figure, seeing your gloomy eyes staring at the ground, sadness evident on your features as you chewed on your lower lip. The air gem bearer knew that despite breaking with Yoongi, you were still worried sick about him. After all, the two of you still spent a good amount of time together. He knew how it felt, especially because he once had an argument with Jia that caused her to leave for a few days.

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