~ Asking to move in with them ~

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Yes, I am publishing this about twelve hours earlier than normal but tomorrow I need to be somewhere all day and I want to move into the next updates for Matt so I will move this out of my Diploma-Wattpad-Life schedule right now. Gosh dang I need to job, if only I knew the language...

Okay, in my opinion, I think couples should move in after marriage but for the sake of this book, I'm going to have them move in... Spoilers. But yeah, I'm the careful type in relationships and always question if this person is the one. I don't believe in casual dating, I think that every relationship should be considered a serious choice of questioning if this person is worth marrying. You can get to know that person as a friend, that way you can learn all about this person without the pressure of a romantic relationship.

That's my thought but I am open to discussion. I think that every matter needs to have an opportunity for civilised talks and suggestions instead of all-out fighting. I can go on about this topic but you guys didn't come here for a lecture, you came here to see Keith, Lance, Hunk and Shiro! I'm gonna hide in a hole, see you!

Quote of the day!

'Clear eye, full hearts, can't lose,"

- Dillon Panthers, Friday Night Lights


You and Keith were on the first date in months. He set you up for a semi-formal dinner and spent as much time as you. As dessert was being served, Keith cleared his throat.

"So um... I've been thinking," Keith said.

"Yeah..." You said.

"Do you trust me?" Keith asked. You sighed and looked at the dessert on the table.

"I would really like it if you were more open to me about your work and stay honest," you said. "I don't know what made you want to keep this secret from me but I want to trust you."

"I want to give you every reason for you to trust me. In fact, I was thinking of getting rid of the doors of my world," Keith said.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I mean, I want you to move in with me," Keith answered.

"Move into... Your apartment," you said.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe when we save enough, we'll buy our own house but I want to rebuild our trust. And I want to start with opening my world to you," Keith said. You smiled. "So what do you say?"

"I'll accept the offer on one condition," you said.

"What?" Keith asked.

"You make sure that I open up as much as you do, I want this to be a team effort. Since you apologised, I've felt like I've done nothing but receive and I want to give you my love and appreciation just like you have," You said.

"Princess, you've already given me what I needed," Keith said. Keith squeezed your hand firmly. 

"Wait... there's only one shower in your apartment," You said. Keith started to blush while you cringed at your comment.


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