~ Experiencing flooding ~

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I'm only doing this because the cafe I go to for Internet was flooded because of a Typhoon this morning. I was running out of ideas and it was Saturday morning (The day I appointed to post for weekly updates). I had another idea out that was half done but this was something I wanted to remember... My hands still hurt from squeezing all those rags. 

Comment your experiences with floods! Now that I have gone through water trouble, I am now one of you who have experienced how annoying water can be!


This was supposed to be a peaceful weekend but Mother Nature decided to be a little bit... B- Annoying. Your bathroom plumbing was absolutely buggered and the apartment stairs were drenched in water. Everyone in their respected level was already mopping the floor and calling the plumber. Keith, however, was having none of that. In fact, he was doing the exact opposite of what you needed to do.

The morning started with you walking into the bathroom with toilet water because spilt across the tiled floor and creeping towards the kitchen. You panicked, the open living room that connected to the kitchen was carpeted. You raced for the towels and made a barrier before grabbing an old mop in the closet to clean the mess. Keith woke up after hearing sloshing inside the house and peeked out from the bedroom door to investigate. 

"Princess, what on earth happened here?" Keith croaked. You turned around and looked at the floor.

"The plumbing is buggered and I bet the stairs outside are drenched. We left the windows open and the storm should have poured all the water inside," You answered. Keith groaned and looked at the wet floor. "We should call the plumber."

"Why?" Keith asked.

"Uh, the sewage is a mess and we can't fix it," You answered.

"What are you talking about? Of course, we can fix this!" Keith protested. You bit your lip as something fuzzy snuggled into your hand. You saw Cosmo looked up at you with a curious glance before dancing on the water.

"Uh Keith, I don't  think we should do something we have no knowledge about." You leaned over to spy Keith grabbing the plunger and stuffing the water back where it came from. Cosmo whimpered and ran to the couch. You yelped before he could get his paws on the carpet. Cosmo looked up at you and you dried his paws before letting him roam the living room. "Just stay there Cosmo, I'll get the food and water for you."

You turned back to Keith who was currently waging war with the toilet and sighed. This was going to be a long and tiring Saturday.


"The chicks!" Hunk raced out into the garden and started to rescue the chooks that were growing to full-fledged hens. You were a little disappointed that your Bolin's first thoughts were the chickens and not you but you got up from the cosy bed and walked behind him. Ten minutes later, Hunk returned wet with a happy smile on his face.

"You're not bringing the hens inside?" You asked.

"Nah, the coop was waterproof and they were already inside, I just had to make sure the sunroof was closed," Hunk answered.

"Oh," You replied.

"But the garden is going to stink," Hunk muttered. You looked at him absentmindedly until you realised, the garden was flooded with the chicken's poop.

"Oh dear lord," you sighed.

"The neighbours aren't going to be happy," Hunk gulped.


Since your purchase of the mice, Lance had been very insistent on their release and free roam of the house. Although they were quiet mannered and seemed more human than more animals, you were still worried about a few things... Like flooding the kitchen!

The mice woke you up first with apologetic looks on their faces. In fact, you found a hundred dollar bill on the bedroom drawer that was definitely not from your wallet. From your upstairs bedroom, you could see the water flooding the tiled kitchen and wooden living room. You groaned at the watering sight and looked wearily at the mice.

"What did you guys do?" You asked. 

The mice acted out a scene about them playing in the kitchen sink late at night for a swimming party but things went south when the sink wasn't draining the water and that they were stranded on the bottom of the sink. The chubby one jumped in right after lifting the tap leaving the rest to wait for the water to bubble over the sink. This led to a series of disasters that eventually led to them flooding the house.

"You do know that one hundred dollars are not going to cover the cost of this mess?" You asked. The mice whimpered but you gave them a weak smile. "Head to bed, I'll clean this up." The mice immediately rushed from the stairs handrail but scurried towards the bedroom instead.

"Gyah!" Lance yelped awake. You giggled when you heard the covers behind tossed aside and the mice chittering to Lance. "Babe?!" Lance rushed out of the bedroom and saw the mess. "Oh god, I thought this was a joke," Lance sighed. "I'm not feeding you doughnuts for a month." The mice lowered their heads in defeat while you laughed.

"Oh come on, give them a break. At least they stole one hundred dollars for us!" You grinned.



"Hey, Lil-Oh my god!" Shiro quickly slammed the door while you screamed like an old lady. Shiro... Shiro walked in on you were while you half naked!!! You were in a state of panic, embarrassment and utter shock. Of all the times to be walked in on!

"Did you- want... something... Shiro?" You stammered.

"I...uh, it's just that... The bathroom floor is um... Flooded," Shiro replied. You looked at the bathroom floor and guiltily grinned.

"Heh heh, my fault," You laughed.

"Can I clean it up soon?" Shiro asked.

"No!" You snapped. "I'm still here wrapped in only a towel!" Shiro suddenly went deathly quiet while you cringed. "I'm cleaning the bathroom on my own... I'm locking the door."

"Yeah... sure thing," Shiro replied. 


You slapped the air around you. You could have sworn that you hard a mozzie in the air. You lifted your scraping eyelids and looked around the room. You could only see Matt sleeping soundly. You smiled but panicked when you heard the buzzing eee in the air. Your hands flapped around the air, careful not to wake Matt.

"What is it?" Matt groaned.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for waking you up. I think there's a mosquito," you answered.

"What?!" Matt yelped. He scurried on the bed and jumped out. You held still as you both waited for the buzz to come around again.

"Is... Is that rain?" You asked. Matt looked out the window and saw the roads outside drenched in water.

"Uh (y/n), come look at this." Matt beckoned you towards the window, never breaking his gaze from outside. You frowned and crawled out of bed to looked at what had Matt had so bewildered.

Outside... Pidge was riding a buggy board on the flooded roads squeeling like a child and cackling like a hyena...

"I. Have seen everything now..." You gulped.

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