| I has been tagged... |

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I has been tagged by: xXSomeWriterXx (Love the username by the way) and this has been created by SimpleTabbyCat

As always, I will tag the compulsory amount but if anyone wants to be tagged, all you have to do is add a comment and then you shall have to spill your answers xD

1. Relationship Status:

Single because I recently broke up with my best friend. One of the reasons why I haven't been updating. He was my main source of ideas and now that I'm not with him anymore, my inspiration has gone down the toilet.

2. Birthday

The day of my birth

3. Best friend

My fellow writer who has known me for about 7 years. We still think we're dorks because the first fan-fiction book we wrote was a collab Lord of the Rings. She's also the reason why I have been silently on my laptop typing thousands of words on Word and watching YJ (Hint Hint)

4. Last time I laughed and why

I recently ran into my childhood friend who I haven't seen in 7 years! I saw him when I was buying some clothes and we happened to run into each other... I wasn't wearing makeup and my face had recently broken out... Twas not a good thing but I'm glad I ran into him after so many years! Hoping to study with him or get some drama connections.

5. Last song I listened to

Rihanna - Towards the Sun

6. Last  YouTube video I watched

I just watched the lyric video for the song above

7.  Last  book I read

The Bible

8. Favourite animal

Domestic - Siberian Husky or Malumates

Wild - Wolves

9. Play an instrument? Which one?

I used to play the flute but my piano skills are better

10. Number of siblings

1 but she is as annoying as hell (little sister)

My chosen tagged people (15):
















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