~ You cook dinner ~

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Aheh... Yes... I have been away for a while. If you want to hear the story then read on my lovely readers. If you're going to skip my lovely story... You suck- JUST KIDDING!!! I LOVE YOU ALL! YOU ARE MAH CHILDREN!

Okay, so I've been AWOL for about... Two weeks? Here's why I was in Japan for a week, took a week-long camp last minute because I was peer pressured by adults around me and I was pulled into a project which had more importance than I was initially told. So, the last one is a bit funnier so I'll just tell you the story.

I was working on my essay after camp because before I thought I would have ten days to work on my assignment. When people come back from camp the first thing they think is about relaxing because although camp can be fun, it is also draining both physically and socially (At least for me it is). Instead of being normal (Which is still a foreign word to me), I decided to be that stereotyped Asian Kid who finished High School early and has almost two 'degrees' at the age of seventeen and thought about the essay that I was supposed to finish today... I have never felt so ashamed as an Asian in my life...

So I started to work on the essay but a good friend who works for YWAM asked if I could format something for her. She said she needed it done in a few days and that she couldn't do it herself because she's a generation behind us and needs help with technology. I'm a graphic design student so out of everyone in the community around us, I was the only candidate for the job. I decided to say yes to the 21 pages of formatting thinking it'll only take a day... I was wrong.

I calculated how long it would take to finish 21 pages if each were 30min long average, it would take 10 hours. However, I like being distracted by games so when I hit page 10 that day... I played Minecraft Teldaria and Discorded some friends for about four hours straight... I still had eleven pages.

So the next day I started my work but then a few friends came over while I was working and asked if they wanted to have lunch with us. My mum was worried since I was in front of the laptop for so long and asked if I could have a break. That day, I knew we had a dinner appointment with the friend that asked for her and her husband. I was already on page 18 by then so I said, "Sure! Why not?"


So that lunch took two hours out of my day and I still had three pages to go. Little did innocent me know that some pages did not have a graphic. Every page needed a graphic because it needs to look physically appealing to the audience. For people who wanted to know, the target audience was 18-40 so we needed to appeal to a pretty wide audience. I tried my best and around midnight I was done with the 21 pages in Word and PDF... I wasn't told that this 'simple project' was going to be printed for 3000+ PEOPLE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE AND JUDGE AT THE BIGGEST YWAM GATHERING THAT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

I was freaking out of my mind and hurriedly double-checked for any spelling mistakes because I knew that if I messed up, my future career was going to be screwed and I was not going to let that happen before I could even get my certificate. So I used up another hour and sent it at around 1 am the next day... I got a lot of thanks from the friend and there were some people patting me on the back with encouragements but I was so tired that I just smiled and nodded... I had to spend the next day with a friend all day until 11 pm... YAY! PEOPLE!!! But that's another story for next time :D


You peeked into the bedroom and saw Keith staring at his laptop with the L.I.O.N on his desk. Keith sighed and buried his head on his hairs, stressfully combing his fingers through the mullet that was growing into a sexy mess of hair. You walked over to Keith and massaged his back.

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