~Getting a pet~

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If you didn't grow up wanting one pet in your life... You were a pretty smart kid. Our family has gone through four goldfish (Who lived three months further than expected), two guinea pigs (who were fattened by my sister and mother through miscommunication) and two budgies who was released by 16-year-old me after my brain malfunctioned in the common sense area... I'm still really ashamed about that cause I feel like a real idiot.


A short note, there is a reference here from my previous VLD one-shot book. If you guys recognise the reference comment #Ugly. I don't know how many people knew me from my previous book and I was to see if anyone managed to keep up with me and my books. I love you guys and hope you love this very late update!



You felt your shorts buzz as a message popped onto your screen. You curiously opened the message and raised a brow.

Keith: Hey! Just letting you know that a loud parcel might arrive. I may or may not arrive with it. Hope you like it!

"Hope I like it?" You repeated. You scrunched your face and eyed the text. "What on earth would get Keith that I may or may not like?" You asked aloud. You shuffled further into the couch when you heard some keys ring in front of the door. You patiently waited as Keith unlocked the door and let in a fluff of dark grey and white.

"WHA-" You yelped as something warm started to slobber you with saliva. "Keith!" You yelled.

"Come on Naya," Keith patted his thigh as the excited Husky ran to his side. You wiped your face clean and looked at Keith with a sharp look. "Are you okay?" Keith laughed.

You sat up on the couch with a huff, "I wasn't expecting a dog as a package," You laughed. "Where did you find him?" You asked.

"Actually he found me, I was walking home and I felt something nudge my leg. I looked down and saw him with blue markings and I thought I was seeing things. When I was a kid, I raised a husky pup that had the exact fur pattern. I don't know how to explain it but when he sits in front of me and looks at me it's almost like a connection," Keith answered.

"So... you're telepathically talking to Kosmo," You said. Keith sighed and brushed his hair aside.

"I've got no idea how to explain it, it's like a silent bond," Keith said. You eyed Keith and Kosmo as they looked at each other like old friends. Kosmo was a curious canine. He had fur like a circus pet and it was kind of freaky but beautiful at the same time.

"Well Kosmo, I hope you don't mind injections because if you've been living on the streets, it means you need to be cleaned," You grinned.


"Did you get the hay?" You asked. You turned around and saw Hunk holding a small handful of hay and soft carpet.

"Got it," Hunk grinned. He hurriedly walked toward the small chicken coop you had finished making and started to squeal and dance. "This is so great! We're getting the chicks back!"

"It's been a while since we sent them off to my parent's house so they may not be as small as before," You said.

"But they're still going to be fluffy, right?" Hunk asked.

"Maybe," You answered. Your door bell made the classic ring and Hunk ran faster than the speed runner to open the door.

"THE CHICKS ARE HERE!!!" Hunk cheered.

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