십육 i'll be in love maze

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Love Maze

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Love Maze



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0:05 - 3:36

MY DRUNKEN GIGGLES FILLED THE ROOM AS I almost tripped over the black Pumas I had just kicked off. Jungkook had let me wear his sneakers because my feet hurt so badly from dancing all night with him in my killer high heels. He was so sweet like that.

I turned on the string lights, so my bedroom wasn't too lit and looked up at my gorgeous boyfriend. His brown eyes were the brightest I had ever seen them, lips red from all our kisses. My boyfriend looked dangerously sexy, and it made me so damn horny.

Stumbling down onto my bedsheets, I sensuously gestured him to come closer. Jungkook slowly moved towards me and stopped a few inches away from the bed, so I swiftly pulled him on top of me.

"I w-wanna fuck you tonight," I purred at him, the crazy amount of champagne in my system doing most of the talking. And the thinking.

"I don't think we should tonight, sweetie... you're really drunk," Jungkook admitted and propped himself on his arms, our bodies barely touching.


"B-But babe, I want you nooow~" I whined, pursing my lip dramatically.

"That, I can tell..." he chuckled and kissed my little pout away, "and I want you too, trust me. But it's our first time, we should wait at least until you're sober."

Yeah, I hadn't thought of that. He was so caring that it hurt.

I stared at him in awe and beamed, "You're so p-perfect, Kookie. I think we should get married."

"And I think we should wait for that too," he said with a little laugh and started getting off the bed. "I'll let you get some sleep now."

"Nooo, don't leave me!" I panicked a little and held onto his hand tightly. "Bunny, I j-just got you back! Please, don't gooo~"

Jungkook laid on his back next to me and pulled my body closer, running his hands over my hair soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere, sunflower."

Feeling at peace in his arms, I turned to my side and kissed him. God, I had missed the feel of his soft lips on mine. I wanted to deepen the kiss so badly, but Jungkook kept it slow and gentle in the most frustrating way possible.

I didn't need him to hold himself back for me. I was a big girl and could make my own decisions. Drunk or not. So I parted his swollen lips with my tongue, sliding it inside his mouth.

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