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A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone

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A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone

BTS – You Never Walk Alone


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1:30 – 1:06

THE NEXT DAY, MY THROAT WAS HELLA sore. I might not regret deep-throating my boyfriend, but maybe I shouldn't have let him fuck my mouth this hard. Now he was laughing every time I tried to speak because my voice wouldn't stop cracking.

"Hey, what's wrong with your voice?" Hoseok asked me as the boys all gathered in the hallway with their suitcases.

"She screamed too much at the fan meeting," Jungkook lied smoothly, but a faint blush rose to his cheeks.

"But that was two days ago, your voice was fine yesterday," Jimin pointed out.

"Uuuuh..." my boyfriend blurted out and squirmed, so I started coughing dramatically to help him out.

Yoongi stared at us attentively, and a little smirk tugged at his lips. I knew that he knew-knew. Oh, my god... now wasn't the time to expose the hell out of us. 

"She might have a cold," he stated, and Jungkook relaxed. I mouthed 'thank you', and Yoongi winked at me.

Oh, lord.

"Eww, then why are you swapping germs with her for??" Jin cried out in disgust, making everyone laugh.

The boys crammed in the elevator, but I stayed behind. There was one last thing I had to do before leaving to the airport. Reaching my homegirl's hotel door, I hesitated to knock at first. But I did.

Anna-Mae opened it, her eyes widening in surprise as she uttered, "Oh! Hi... come in."

I stepped into her hotel room and saw Zara still asleep on the bed. Their flight to Toronto was later this afternoon, but I was going to Seoul with the boys in a few hours.

"Kailee, I'm so-" she began, but I cut her off.

"I did mean what I said the other day... even if you can be a dumbass, I still love you," I admitted softly so my voice didn't crack as much, and she gave me a grateful smile. "And I'm sorry for calling you a whore. But god, I really hate what you did, whether it was with my ex or anyone else, because Joon is such an amazing guy who deserves much better than that."

"I know, he really do," Anna-Mae sighed deeply. "I didn't wanna hurt him and feel so terrible 'bout it... I'ma make it right."

"Well, I got a plane to catch so..." I said and hugged her. "Just give him a little bit of time, you know?"

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