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IDOL (feat

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IDOL (feat. Nicki Minaj)



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BEFORE LEAVING FOR MALTA, I HAD MY second prenatal appointment with Jungkook. The boys weren't there this time. Dr Pyon told us that our baby was most likely in good physical condition. But only the test results would confirm her medical evaluations. So a few nerve-wracking days later, after calming my husband down as best as possible, I got a phone call from my OBGYN. 

She revealed that our baby was healthy so far and knew the fetal gender, with 97 to 99% accuracy. I was also one week away from my second trimester, which meant that pregnancy losses were usually less common from then on.

Jungkook cried right here and there, all of his anxiety seeping out of his body. So did I. The sheer happiness and relief that followed were far too much to control as the prospect of becoming parents really excited us.

But we somehow managed to keep the exciting news from the boys, no matter how hard they insisted and tricked us. Of course, we did tell them our baby was a healthy little plum though.

The gender reveal was supposed to be cherry on top during our last dinner in Malta.

But now I wasn't so sure.

"Maybe doing the gender reveal isn't such a good idea..." I admitted quietly, sitting cross-legged in the half-empty room.

"What? Why not?" Jungkook asked in confusion and joined me on the bed.

"I just feel really bad for Joonie and don't want him to think that we're rubbing our happiness in his face."

"Angel... Joonie-hyung will never think like that. Not doing the gender reveal is worse, he'll know it's because of him and wouldn't want it that way."

"You're right— but what if I get sick? It shouldn't be too hard... just get some of that mint chocolate to make me puke!" I joked, and he scoffed at the cake tasting reference.

"Look, everyone's looking forward to this. And I think it'll keep his mind off Anna, which is a good thing. Now stop being dramatic~"

"Fine," I huffed childishly, and he kissed my pouty lips into a smile. "But does it make me a bad friend if I'm happy she's gone because now you can sneak in and sleep here?"

"Hmm, maybe... but she hasn't exactly been a good friend to you just moments ago," Jungkook reminded me, spreading my legs wide open so he could move between them. "Besides, I was kinda thinking the same too. I sleep so much better next to you."

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