사십사 don't give two fucks

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Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat) [BTS Remix] 🅴

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Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat) [BTS Remix] 🅴

Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo & BTS


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1:04 – 2:00

THE BOYS CAME TO MY HOMETOWN WITH me because my dad wanted to throw a little BBQ/engagement party. I tried convincing them not to since their schedule was so hectic, but they insisted on being there.

The private jet landed in Toronto quite early, so the boys went to a hotel to rest, Zara went to her apartment, and Jungkook went to my childhood house with me.

"YES, I'LL DO IT~" Bethanee yelped as soon my foot passed the threshold, and then hugged me insanely tight.

"G-Good to see you, but do what...?" I choked, pulling away from her.

"Be your maid of honor, duh! You wouldn't do your big sis dirty like that, so I know it's me! Now, who's the best man?"

"Seokjin-hyung," my fiancé answered, before getting squeezed in her arms.

"Ooh, perfect choice!" my sister gushed, pulling us to the kitchen where my dad was marinating the meat for the BBQ later.

"Hello cupcake, welcome home even if it's only for two days," he teased and kissed my hair, after washing off his hands. "I hardly see you anymore."

"Aww, I missed you too," I murmured into his chest, letting his warm hug engulf me.

"How are you doing, son?" Luther asked and quickly held out his palm, making my fiancé jerk back.

"Oh!" Jungkook blurted out and shook my dad's hand, who was howling with laughter. "Uh... fine, thank you, and you?"

"Scared of a little handshake??" my dad mocked him and glanced at me. "Are you sure that's the wuss you wanna spend the rest of your life with?"

"Dad~" I cried out in exasperation and rolled my eyes. "Yes, I do— and Jungkook is not a wuss! So don't even start, you're not funny!"

Bethanee grabbed a green apple on the counter and took a bite, sneering with her mouth full, "It's kinda funny, though. Like chill, bro... we're all family now."

"You know... I didn't even think your relationship would really last this long."

I pulled out a wooden stool and flopped down onto it, letting out a sigh, "Here it goes again..."

"She was just so obsessed with you, kid. Why did you not file a restraining order?"

"Because he's a freak just like her, aren't you... little bro-in-law?" Bethanee asked playfully, winking at him.

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