에필로그 (epilogue)

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00:00 (Zero O'Clock)



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1:23 – 2:47

the last one

BEEP. . . . BEEP. . . . BEEP. . . . BEEP. . . . THE SOUND WAS short and regular. I tried to move, but my body didn't want to cooperate. I felt so weak, like every limb of my body weight a thousand tons. My eyes couldn't open, my voice couldn't be heard. I felt paralyzed, and it was so frustrating.

Flashes. My memory came flooding back into her mind in vivid flashes. Car crash, pain, blood. Haneul...


Oh, my god... what happened to my baby?!?!

It was terrifying to be left in the dark, but I must be at the hospital now. Sometimes, there were voices that I didn't even recognize, using terms like, 'syncope', 'trauma', 'blood loss', 'a lot of stress'. Nothing more.

"Hey angel," Jungkook sniffled. "I'm scared. What if you don't wake up... I-- The doctor said they might have to do a C-section... and deliver our baby, but I can't d-do this w-without you--"

He choked on sobs, crying onto my shoulder while begging for me to wake up. I could feel my heart breaking into too many pieces. All I wanted was to wake up, hug him tight, and never let go. But I couldn't. Useless.

"N-Neulie's birth is supposed to be one of the b-best days of our lives... it just won't be the same if I can't s-share this moment with you..."

Hearing crystal clear how distressed he was, even though I couldn't see him was too devastating. If only I could do something. Anything.

"Angel, you're crying..." Jungkook cooed with half a gasp of disbelief, wiping his thumb under my eyes. "C-Can you hear me? I'm so sorry if I made you cry... I didn't mean to. Just know that you and our baby are doing fine! She's healthy~"

Healthy. Thank god, our baby was safe. The relief that rushed through me was truly overwhelming. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could in pure bliss.

"I just felt-- I can feel you! Your hand~" Jungkook blurted out incredulously as I tried to say 'I love you', but it came out as a grunt. "It's okay, just take your time, I'll be waiting for you!"

He brushed his fingers across my belly and the other hand through my hair softly. I was surprised it didn't get stuck there. His touch felt warm, reassuring. Jungkook was so caring.

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