십오 i still want you

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The Truth Untold (feat

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The Truth Untold (feat. Steve Aoki)



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2:39 - 1:23

WHEN LEONOR FINALLY CALLED ME, IT MADE me a bit upset because she didn't really reach out to me after the breakup, even though I needed her. I felt disconnected as if we were growing apart.

"Kailee, I have something to tell you," she began in a tone that suggested nothing good would come of this conversation.

"Okay, I'm listening..." I said, tugging at my lips anxiously.

"I'm the reason you and Jungkook broke up."

I'm the reason you and Jungkook broke up.

I'm the reason you and Jungkook broke up.

Her words rang in my mind, and I clutched the phone so tightly it was a miracle it didn't snap in two. "W-What do you mean?"

"I d-don't know what I was thinking... I was just so bloody jealous, I asked Seona to tell you all that crap," Leonor admitted in a shaky voice.

"Okay...? But I saw his private Instagram account... saw the pictures... THE GIRL!"

"It's all fake... just some bloke Seona knows who agreed to fake that he was Jungkook⏤"

"B-But... Oh my god, you backstabbing two-faced bitch!!" I shouted viciously, pure anger surging through my entire body.

"I'm really s-sorry," she said quietly, but I was seeing red.

'Smacking her head against a wall' kind of red.

"Lemme get this straight... you pretended to be my best friend while scheming behind my back to ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me?"

"That's why I haven't called before, I wanted to tell you so many times... I just felt so guilty⏤ but I couldn't keep it a secret anymore."

"Oh, I see... so if your guilt wasn't eating you away, then I would've never known? Is that it?" I asked her, although it came out more like a derisive statement.

"It's not like that... You're my best mate, and I know what I did was so cruel and idiotic⏤"

I laughed coldly, shaking my head. "Naaaah, you stopped being my best friend the second you decided to double-cross me! I thought you were over all the jealousy and pettiness, but I was fucking wrong!"

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