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For You

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For You

BTS - Youth


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►

4:44 - 0:00

AFTER THE BOYS' FUN DANCE REHEARSAL, MY best friend and I were invited to their house for dinner. Tonight was Thai. When I was done eating, I excused myself from the table and headed to the bathroom. But then, I became disoriented in their spacious home on my way back, ending up in a room I had never been to before.

It was airy with floor-to-ceiling windows and empty apart from a grand piano right in the center. There was a beautiful balcony too. So I stepped outside and sat down in the egg-shaped chair to the tangerine clouds fading into the dark purple sky. But the night was quiet and a bit chilly, making me regret my jacket that I didn't bring inside.

Lately, I had really been thinking about this trip a lot. Going to South Korea, I had so many high expectations and tried to keep in my mind that I could end feeling disappointed. And I'd never say it enough, meeting the boys and becoming good friends with them was beyond anything than I ever imagined.

Let alone whatever that was going on between Jungkook and me, which was hard to explain.

The boys actually considered me like a sister more than a friend. But it wasn't like that with him. He didn't treat me that way or like I was one of the boys, although not exactly putting me in the infamous Friend Zone either... So that was a good sign, right??

Because I really liked Jungkook. I had for years, but now more than ever. Spending time with him just made it perfectly clear that what I'd always seen in him was genuine and beautiful. I wasn't sure if we would even go anywhere, but I'd forever be grateful to him for making me this happy.

The door suddenly slid open, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Jungkook was here with an adorable smile and a fluffy blanket. "Hey, noona... I thought you could use this, so you don't get sick."

"Thank youu, Kookie~" My heart overflowed with affection, seeing how thoughtful and caring he was.

I scooted over so he could squeeze himself next to me, practically sitting on top of each other. Jungkook was all muscles and thick thigh, his body firm but soft at the time. He draped the blanket around us, and the scent reminded me of him. Floral with a hint of citrus.

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach like crazy, and I almost forgot how to breathe.

"What are you doing here all alone?"

"I was thinking about a lot of stuff..."

"Were you thinking about me?" Jungkook asked huskily, his smug grin making my pulse skyrocket. He seemed to be like that a lot ⏤ more confident ⏤ with his hyungs not around to torment him.

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