오십육 take my hands now

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0:56 – 2:52

NOW THAT OUR NUPTIAL CEREMONY WAS SUCCESSFULLY over, the guests would enjoy the cocktail hour inside the ballroom while only close friends and immediate family joined us for the Pyebaek. It was a short Korean ceremony that welcomed the bride into the groom's family.

The Korean culture was so rich and unique that I loved incorporating their traditions into our western wedding.

Jungkook wore a faruotsu, the men's noble outfit made of damask and gold symbols that represented good luck. I had changed into a hwarrot, the long robe traditionally worn by royal women. It was embroidered with butterflies designs, broad sleeves made of three silk strips, and white cuff hiding my hands. Three red circles, yonji konji, were added to my face to ward off evil spirits.

His parents sat onto silk cushions in front of a wooden table filled with food towers, and their backs faced an oriental panel of peonies. Jungkook and I bowed to them while kneeling down until our foreheads almost touched the bamboo mat. Then sitting across from them at the table, we sipped a special white wine called jung jong that Mama Jeon had poured into two gourds for us.

Toward the end of the ceremony, his parents tossed some jujube fruits and chestnuts at me. I caught two with my wedding skirt, which symbolized the number of children I would have. Speaking of which...

"Eomma, appa, and dad-in-law... we have something to tell you," Jungkook uttered with apprehension and excitement.

"I'm two months pregnant," I admitted quietly and gauged their reaction, my hands shaking inside the wide sleeves.

"I'm going to be a grandma?" his mother gasped in surprise, eyes brimming with unshed tears as we nodded at her.

"Chon... you could have at least waited until your honeymoon to conceive a baby," Papa Jeon scolded playfully, and my husband's face turned a bright shade of pink as everyone else in the room laughed.

"I would have preferred that she was at least 30 before finding about the loss of her innocence. But you're both young adults in love and happily married now. Congratulations on the child," my dad grinned at us, and I smiled right back gratefully.

"I'm so excited, but look at you... still a baby yourself!" Mama Jeon crooned fondly, leaning over to pat her son's cheek. "A big baby~"

"Eomma, please stop~" Jungkook whined in embarrassment, but his eyes shined like stars in a night sky.

A pregnancy announcement on our big day was somewhat risky, but neither of us could think of a better moment for it. We couldn't have been more right than that. A marriage celebrated life, love, hope, and joy. And so was our child.

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