팔 wishing for some luck

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여기 봐 Look Here

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여기 봐 Look Here

BTS - Dark&Wild


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2:16 - 1:22

LOOKING EVERYWHERE BUT TOWARD JUNGKOOK, I GOT as far away from him and as fast as humanly possible. I had never heard of someone dying of humiliation, but it sure as fuck felt like I just might.

I cleared my throat, my head drooping in embarrassment, "Oh my god, uh... I'm so sorry, I-"


I quickly interrupted him, "Don't w-worry, it's completely fine- Just know that I'm sorry... Let's forget about it, okay??"

"I-I just-"

"Please, don't..." I literally begged him, trying not to burst out in tears. I didn't want to hear it. I couldn't.

'I'm such a fucking idiot' kept replaying in my head like a broken record.

I wasn't sure what had happened just now. I didn't have the time to entirely process it all. But maybe it was too soon, I did only meet him almost a month ago... or maybe I had mistaken his sweet words and gestures from earlier for something they were not. It was really hard to tell.

But one thing for sure, I wanted the ground to swallow me up so damn bad.

Under the pouring rain, Jungkook and I quickly picked up what was left of the picnic and rushed to his black Jaguar. In any other circumstance, I would've felt guilty for wetting his fancy leather seat. But as of now, I was too ashamed to even care.

Neither of us said a word the entire ride to his place, soft pop music playing on the radio. If it was up to me, I would've gone straight home to wallow in self-pity in my bed. But I didn't want to break the -awkward- silence.

Jungkook turned on the heater as soon as he noticed me shivering because of my damp clothes and the cooler weather. I hated that it was just impossible to stay mad at him because he would do sweet things like that.

As soon as we stepped into his luxurious home, my best friend and a few of the boys started eagerly bombarding us with questions. How the picnic went, whether the two of us had fun if we kissed in the rain-that one was deadass funny, - and so on. But their interrogation abruptly stopped as everyone picked up on our discomfort.

Jin suddenly whispered something in his ear, and they both walked away. No doubt they would talk about our disaster of a date. If I could even call it like that at this point.

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