Chapter 37

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Nurse: and the baby is a boy. Y/n: wait really I got it right. Corbyn: I told you that y/n would get it right. Even tho Christina told corbyn that she was pregnant the rest of the boys still did not know. Christina and corbyn wanted to wait till they knew if it was a boy or girl to tell the rest of the guys. So after you all found out that it was a boy you drove them home and called everyone and told everyone to be in the living room and let corbyn and Christina tell everyone. Corbyn: ok so boys there is something that me, Christina, y/n, Brynn, and Kaelyn have been keeping from you for about a week now. Daniel: why did we not know about it. Christina: Daniel just listen. Corbyn: so anyways Christina is pregnant and we went to the doctor today and found out that we have a boy. All of the boys looked so shocked. Zach: wait so Christina is pregnant. Christina: yep. Jonah: so that means there is going to be a little corbyn running around this house in a few months. Christina: 6 months to be exact. Jack: wait I'm going to be an uncle. Corbyn: yep you'll be uncle noodles. We all just laughed. Brynn: when is the baby due. Christina: the doctor said the first week in July. Jack: wait my birthday is July 1st so it will be born sometime after my birthday. Christina: yep. Jack: OMG I feel like I'm the most excited one here.

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