Chapter 61

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You breathed out, quickly stuffing the picture back in the envelope. You pulled out your phone.

'Is that it? Is that all you wanted to do? When are you going to step up and actually do something, instead of make threats left and right?' You texted the man furiously, mostly because you knew he was trying to put doubt in your mind. ..... and you also knew it was working. The man didn't respond to your text, and you jumped when your name was called for the drinks you had ordered. Taking a deep breath to stabilize your nerves, you quickly grab them and leave the store.

You had no doubts jim wasn't telling you everything. No doubt at all. But how much he wasn't telling you was a different story... it would make sense if jim was doing this, all of it... he caught on to you starting to suspect him, so sent someone to try to throw you on the wrong scent, by calling himself a 'liar' and ripping the photo in half. Besides, who would have access to that photo besides jim? Jim would be EXTREMELY careful not to let things like that get around to ANYONE. .... or maybe it was someone just wanting you to think it was jim by doing all of this to throw you on the wrong scent... DAMNIT, why was everything so COMPLICATED??! .... at this point, you felt like you couldn't trust anyone. ... maybe not even William, since he worked for jim. Alex.... you could trust him, but he likely knew a lot less about all of this than you did. Ughhh.... either way, you would talk about it with William and Harvey. Get a second and third opinion on the matter, see who they think this is... maybe you could get a few hints by doing that.

You waited outside the bookstore a few minutes, before William came out. You looked at him, confused.

"Where's Alex-?" You ask, a little worriedly. William huffs.

"Teaching some poor soul about the life of Alexander Hamilton in the biography section. Jesus, this is why you NEVER let Alex go to a book store." William huffed, facepalming. You gigglesnorted, before giving William the tea.

"It'll calm you. .... anyways. ... while we're waiting, I wanted to ask you something. ... has jim ever pretended to love someone before—-?" You ask, looking at William curiously, and a little sadly. William thought a moment, before speaking.

"Mm... a couple times. Kitty Riley, and... someone else... can't remember....... Molly something—-? ... anyways. both were used in order to mess with Sherlock, which is... basically his arch nemesis, I guess. ... are you worried he's doing the same to you—?" William asks, drawing his eyebrows together. You shrug a bit in response.

"... doesn't matter. one more question. ... does jim tend to make up little 'games' to mess with people's heads when he's bored....?" You ask, looking at him seriously. William blinked repeatedly a moment.

"..... wait..... you're not implying..."

Alex came outside, holding a book tight in his arms.

"Sorry I took so long, I'm back!!" He says with a smile, hopping up to you both happily. You smile down at the kid, ruffling his hair.

"No problem kiddo!! Anyways I'm so sorry to cut it short, but I have to get back, I think jim wanted me to get some more training in sometime today- oh, and here you go, Alex-" you smile, giving him the hot chocolate. William nodded, watching you quietly, still contemplating what you had said before.

"... sounds good, I should probably talk to jim, anyways."

"... no you shouldn't." You stated immediately in response, giving him a glare. William huffs, shaking his head.

"... fine." He mumbled, you smiled and dropped it. You didn't want William asking anything about any of this until you talked to Harvey to get another opinion from someone who knew jim well enough to have an opinion on the situation... William seems to not have even thought of the possibility yet... which, of course, now hes gonna think about it.. a l o t.

... anyways. As you guys head home, your mind races through all the possibilities of what's happening. You were scared to find out the truth about everything.... including jim. You had a feeling that whatever happened.... it was going to affect both William, and Alex. Drastically.


Authors note:

Hey guys, sorry this chapter seems kind of pointless. The next couple chapters are going to start picking up again, I'm starting to get some ideas again so that's good. Also I promise everything will pull together. Keep on the lookout for what you think are insignificant details, both in past chapters, and chapters in the future. Some of them will prove to be huge plot twists ;). I'll update again ASAP!! :) 

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