Chapter 63

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"William—???" Harvey asks, his eyes seem to light up a bit.

You nod aggressively in response. "Yes!!! You know how earlier I asked if you knew William??? Well, if you have a son named William, it's the same one!! And Alex!!" You say quickly, your eyes filled with hope.

"Wait... how—- how do you know them—- Wait..... .... wait. .... no. I've met William once or twice, I thought I recognized him but jim said that it wasn't him, and William moved out of London....." Harvey states, as if. Trying to process what was going on. Your eyes widened. Jim really did lie to them.... why??! ... why would he do that, that's terrible....maybe that's why 'unknown' threatened you to stop talking to Harvey about his family... oh my god... unknown really was starting to sound like jim... a LOT.... So many secrets...

Harvey shook you out of your thought.

".... you're— you're sure it's him—??!!" He asks, eyes filled with hope. You nodded.

"Yes, I KNOW it's him- Harvey is your last name, not your first, right? Because Harvey is William and Alex's last names, too." You state, a smile slowly starting to spread across your face. Harvey almost looked like HE was about to start crying now.

"Wait wh— they're— are they still here??? Can I—- can I see them??? No—- wait. ... no. Jim kept me away from them for this long... he.. he might hurt one of them if he knows I know—" Harvey began to pace, you could see the hopeful look in his eyes beginning to wear away.

"..... and... and they probably don't want to see me.... they probably don't know I'm alive... or that I don't drink anymore.... or... or why I left.... oh my god... Alex.... he... he probably thinks I left because he was born....." Harvey breathes, seeming to be slowly going into panic mode, so you step in to try to calm him down.

"Harvey!! Harvey, it's okay- I'll talk to them about it, I'm sure we can arrange something.. don't worry, okay?" You smile reassuringly, but your heart was starting to break. Jim.... what have you done.

Harvey nodded slowly, forcing himself to calm down.

".... right. ........ of course. .. thank you." He states, although you could tell he was still internally panicking. You smile and nod in response.

"No problem.. it's getting late. I have to make another stop tonight, but you should probably rest up... clear your head a bit. I'll get back to you when I can." You smile at him, before leaving the room to contemplate everything. Both Harvey and William seem to think this could be all Jim's doing... Harvey especially. .... what the HELL are you doing, jim... if this is all him, you will kill him. You will. Kill him. 

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