Chapter 73

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William's POV:

William stared in horror at seeing Jim Moriarty, his boss, knelt on the ground with your limp body in his arms. The man who had a knife to Williams throat was gone, William was left in shock, trying to process what the hell just happened. He heard a loud creak then a slam as a door open and shut. Seconds later Harvey stumbled in, looking tired and beat up as ever. William simply looked at the man, quickly concluding that he must've tracked your phone to this location, despite your protest.

William swallowed, but no one was able to say a word. Harvey saw jim on the floor, holding you in his arms. Then he saw William. Then Alex. As if concluding who needed the most help at the moment, he immediately went to Alex's aid. William didn't blame him. He knew you were too far gone... if anything could be done to save you, jim would have done it. Alex still had a chance... and William. William was alone. He couldn't focus. He couldn't process. He was stuck in a mental rut, just as jim seemed to be. He didn't know that how he got here.. all he knew is he must've been drugged by jim, jim tried to make you kill either him or Alex, and lost you instead.

"You.... bastard. .... you killed her. YOU BLOODY KILLED HER!!!" William snapped, rage slowly building up inside him as he came to realization of what had happened. Jim tensed up, but didn't say a single word.

"You betrayed us... I was a bloody twat for thinking you saw Alex and I as more than your expendables. What the HELL is wrong with you??! NOW SHES DEAD, BECAUSE OF YOU!!" He snapped, pulling a gun out of his waistband and aiming it at jim furiously. Jim didn't move. 

Jim's POV:

Jim was silent. He heard William talking, but had no idea what he was saying. All he could focus on was you. How you were very slowly turning cold in his arms, how your breathing had completely stopped. How you were still, and limp, and lifeless. He closed his eyes, holding you tightly against himself, resting his head on top of yours. For maybe the first time in his life, jim felt a few tears fall from his eyes. Yet even still, he did not make a sound.

He remembered what the 'unknown' man had said, when his workers broke into Jim's office to threaten him the first time. 'You are going to suffer. You are going to wish to be dead. And eventually, you will be. By your own hand. Just like all your little 'friends'.

The man said jim would kill all of his friends, then himself. Now, here he was... holding your limp body in his arms, alex unconscious on the floor behind him, probably going to die also... Harvey and William badly hurt as well, bleeding like crazy.. and now, William is holding a gun to jim, yelling at him about all the mistakes he's been framed for making.

Jim swallowed, slowly setting you down. Then he stood, and faced William, finally tuning into what he was saying.

"Now you're going to die by my hand, just like she did yours." William snapped, adjusting the gun in his hands. Jim lifted his chin and closed his eyes, accepting his fate. You killed yourself at what everyone thought was Jim's hands... and now, jim would kill himself through Williams. He had been defeated. He accepted, even welcomed death at this point.

Then there was a small sound off to the corner off the room, that immediately caught Jim's attention.


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