Chapter 64

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You go into Jim's office, feeling incredibly pissed with him at the moment.

"Jim!! Do you have something you want to tell me??!" You snap angrily. Jim glanced over at you from his desk, reading your expression with ease.

"... hm. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, my dear~." He stated simply. You strode right over to him, your eyes full of hate.

"Liar. LIAR!! How many things are you lying about, jim??? Hm?? I can't trust you, can I?! I've tried so hard, jim. I've tried SO HARD. What are you doing?! The game's over. I'm done playing your little mind games. You don't care about anyone or anything, and you never will. I'm not fooling myself anymore. There is no changing you. No HELPING you. You're on your own. You've ruined everyone else's lives around you, and now you've ruined your own. I can take you out with ease. I can spread the word you're a filthy liar, and I can convince everyone here to walk out on you without hesitation. Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't destroy you, and everything you know RIGHT NOW." You snap, absolutely enraged. Jim was silent a moment, his eyes dark.

"... because then you'd lose the game. We'd all lose. And we'd all die." Jim stated simply. You glared at him, crossing your arms.

"Not that I have any bloody reason to believe a word you say, but explain."

"Whoever this is wants to turn you against me. That's what they wanted from the beginning. I know there's doubt in your mind somewhere, y/n. It's not me. If we try to simply just walk away from all of this, we'd be shot, and whoever was doing this would simply just go on to messing with someone else. It's not me. Why would I manipulate you into hating me, when I could have just made you hate me at first sight?"

".... because you're a horrible person that does horrible things." You state in response, your glare not lessening. Jim was silent for a few moment, looking at you blankly. Then his gaze once again hardened.

"... get out of my office."

"... no."

"Now, y/n." Jim growled, his eyes dark and threatening. You stood your ground.

".... tell me one more thing, jim. When is it going to stop. ... When. Because right now... right now you're on the verge of losing everything you've worked hard to acquire your whole life. All this success. All this power. .... yet you'd still give all of it up, just to keep this little game of yours going. ..... it ends here. Stay away from me, stay away from Alex, and William, and their dad. Stay away from us all. If you don't..." somehow the knife that was in your boot, was now in your hand. You didn't remember grabbing it, you must've done so subconsciously. You twirled the blade in your fingers, your eyes dark. You wanted to hurt someone again... it was an overwhelming urge... but you kept it back. 

"..... just stay out of my way." You threaten, glaring at him darkly. Then you simply just leave the room as angrily as you had entered, your eyes fiery and hateful. Jim was right.... part of you knew something was off. ..... but that didn't matter. Tomorrow, you would tell William and Alex that their dad was still alive. Tomorrow, you would reunite their family... ..... and jim would have no part of it. 

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