(Royality)Jelious Much? (part one)

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Trigger warning
Roman feels bad about himself oops-

((Patton x Roman, it can be taken romantic or platonic idk.))

When Thomas first began his career in vine. When Roman was first created as the prince charecter. Back when Patton and Logan were nothing more than Dad and Teacher. Everyone adored the creative trait back then. They adorned his sass, confidence and humor.

Then Sander Sides began. Roman loved his idea of starting such a thing, after introducing himself and the others to Thomas. Their host was eager to tape.

Not soon after, that... Anxiety, came along.

He despised that creepy crawly. Anxiety was a dark side. Anxiety was damaging, and inflicted Thomas with more problems than necessary. He held Thomas away from his dreams, goals, hopes; everything that Princey represented!

At first, that was why he didn't like him.

Of course he realized that thinking such ways were wrong. Getting to know the guy, he wasn't that bad. He was actually rather helpful at times.

One could even go as far as to say they were becoming friends.

Then it really began.

People started to go to Virgil

Flocking to him. Apparently the Eno was relatable, adorable and downright cute to Thomas's fanbase and Patton. Roman didn't care what Patton thought of him, however. He cared what Thomas- his fans think.

He was obliviously happy before today. Today, they were doing another QandA. It had been quite awhile since the last one, and of course Prince brought the topic up to Thomas when he was brainstorming. Thomas thought it was a great idea.

Thomas had his phone in his hand, a select few questions (only the best questions ofc) on the screen from Twitter.

He said his intro, and explained to the fanders what exactly was going on. With each word he spoke, it dragged a new side up from the floor. Or rather, from Thomas's head.

Logan was first, then Roman, Then Patton and finally Virgil. Thomas welcomed his sides with a warm smile, explaining to all but Roman the plan. They all seemed to understand, so Thomas began the QaA!


"This one goes to Logan!" Thomas called the first question, causing the side to straighten his glasses and stand attentively. "How big are the puzzles you usually do?"

Logan adjusted his tie, humming softly in thought. "Well, I started off with the smaller puzzles like most do. I have worked my way to often doing 1000 peice puzzles as of now. Though sometimes when I'm not searching a challenge I will suffice with 500." He stated the facts, nodding curtly after that.

Satisfied with the answer, Thomas moved on. "Virgil!"

Anxiety looked up, looking- well, anxious.

"If you could he anywhere right now, where would you go. You can't answer you bed or room."

Virgil rolled his eyes. He was totally going to answer his bed. They caught him. "Well," he sighed, knowing the fanders whom suggested such would probably be expecting an at least okay answer. Shrugging, he finished, "maybe Hogwarts?"

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