(Moceit) I think I hate you...

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It was warm in Patton's room. That's what Deceit thought as he hid curled up by a space heater in the light sides room. For some odd reason, after Deceit had revealed himself, Patton got in touch. Being as curious as he is.

So eventually, after they talked and Patton understood the way he spoke, Patton invited him to his room. And like he said, it was warm.

Being a snake hybrid, one of the lovely things granted to him upon existence, he was cold blooded. Meaning he got cold, very fast, and needed other sources to warm up. In his room, it's very cold. So alot of the time he suffered in silence.

However, for now, Deceit is taking refuge in Patton's room. None of the other sides come into his room anyways. There for he's basically safe from being found out. Unless Patton tells someone, he should be fine!

Deceit is in his snake form, curled up snug next to the warmth. Just a little yellow and black snake. Tounge sticking out slightly as he rested.

Then the door opened. In came Patton, smiling over at Deceit and closing the door behind him. He stepped over, setting some leftovers, a snack for Deceit, on the coffee table.

"Hey Dece, I got you dinner!" Patton chimed to the resting danger noodle. Before mentioned snake raised his head, before yawning. Then, he broke his position, slithering out of himself. He then poofed in a yellow cloud of smoke. In the smokes place, stood a caped and yellow gloved "villan."

"Hey Patty." Deceit greeted. "I'm not at all happy to see you."

Patton took a moment to process the words. Then he giggled, nodding his head. "Awe De, I missed you too!" He said, taking out a salt packet. Virgil notices when the salt shakers go missing.

You know Virgil and salt.

"You got me some food?" Deceit said. Still absolutely baffled by Patton's genuine kindness towards him. Even if he thinks of himself as a monster. Even when Patton once did aswell. Patton was only loving towards him. It filled him with a feeling that he really liked.

"Yup!" Patton replied. "Eat up mister!"

Deceit rolled his eyes, but obliged. Sitting down on the side of Patton's bed and grabbing the fork and plate. Putting the plate on his lap, and cutting into the meal with the side of the fork. Raising the untensle to his lips. Smiling at the taste that hit his tougn.

"Mm. You made this?" He questioned, and when Patton nodded his head multiple times, Deceit's smile only grew.

He continued eating, and once he finished, Patton returned the plate to the sink and dissapeared for a good amount of time. Before once again rising up in his room for bed time.

Deceit loved bed time.

He used to feel dumb about this kind of thing. Weak, even. But when Pattong came in, demanded he change into pijamas and get in bed next to him but kindly... It made Deceit feel cared for.

So there he was, already dressed in his fuzzy yellow SpongeBob pijamas. Holding onto a plush bear that Patton had gifted him a few weeks ago. Something Deceit was already attached to.

When Patton rose up, he smiled at Deceit, going into his closet and changing into his cat wunzy. De moved under the covers, shyly peeking through the top of the sheets. Patton came over and joined him. The sbake hybrid immediately latching onto the parental figure, snuggling into his warmth.

"Good night De." Patton said groggily, putting his glasses on the night stand.

"Uhm. Good night..
... Uh....Patton?"

"Hm?" He replied with his eyes closed.

"I.. I think I hate you."

Patton didn't move for a second. His face not changing at all. Before his eyes opened and he turned on his side to face Deceit.

"I think I hate you too." He said, kissing Deceit's nose.

"Wait- really?"

"Shh.. Sleep now, talk later." Patton said, putting a finger to Deceit's lips and promptly falling asleep.

Let's just say, Deceit DEFINENTLY did NOT sleep.

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