(platonic Anxceit) Little Snek part 2!!

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//sorry this took so long. Lmao.

Deceit ate the strawberrys that has been dropped in the restraining glass. Skeptically watching the human. The human, watching back.

It had black under it's brown eyes.  Scary, and fear reckoning. Pale skin that resembled his own where scales weren't. It appeared male, but Deceit knew better than to assume. Expecially in other organisms. They're usually not the same.

The human's gaze was bone chilling. The poor little snake eating solomly. Was this meal worth being kidnapped? Was anything he did today actually worth it? He would die soon.

That thought caused small tears to drip down Deceit's face. After everything, it was going out like this. Being human food. Little cries escaping his lips as he gave up eating the berry. Sliding down the glass of the jar and hugging onto the fruit. Back pressed against the cold glass, he began to weep.

Weeping because he lost. He lost the battle of life. Though instead of a bird or sickness, it was one of the worst Fates known to his kind.

Nobody knew exactly what humans did with their captors, but that didn't make the tales any less mortifying. Stories told to children to keep them from the garden, depictions, ledgends, and fables that all shone humans in an awful monsterous light. Which wasn't all that exadurated, though it was a sterotype.

Little did the tiny snake know, Virgil was a rarity. A good human, one who didn't eat little snakes or harm little snakes for fun. Actually, he had a fondness for the small danger noodles.

He has been living here for only a few months now. The previous owner an old man who despised wildlife, but raised domestic mammals and grew gardens. Making the property amazingly fertile. When he moved in, the place looked much different. Dusty, mucky, ran down even. Like it was a hideout for some teenagers.

Not that Virgil cared. He was a teenager once too.

So he fixed it up, began a new garden, and it's already looking and feeling better. Loving the solitude and isolation the location provided. Though he would be lieing to say he didn't get lonely.

Perhaps this being could help him with that, the human considered. Watching the poor snake cry behind the glass. Virgil's eyebrows tilting with displeasure. The snake like creature was awfully small; Smaller than any of the other similar creatures he's seen around these parts. Skinnier and weaker aswell, as if he barely got food. So Virgil assumed, he was also doing the snake a favor. Win win right?


As soon as Virgil got up from his seated position, Deceit noticed. Letting out a banchee like squeal in a high tone. Trying to slither away, to no avail. Freaking out as he watched Virgil's hand reach down and grasp the jar, opening the top.

A giant face lingured over the opening. Much to Deceit's displeasure.

"Noo!!" Deceit squeaked pathetically, the young snake curling in on himself. Actually taking shelter underneath the strawberry. Hoping it would shield him from the hand of the giant.

Virgil froze. Blinking a few times as his ears processed the sound he heard. "Huh. It sounded like you said no... Im not going to hurt you little guy." Virge persuaded to deaf ears. Deceit only focused on how to get out and avoid being digested.

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