(Logicality) "No" says the child.

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"Hey, don't tell him what to do." Roman scolded.

"Roman, this is my child. Please, jesus christ, stop trying to get my child to rebel against me!"

"Webewl?" A little Virgil asked, only almost three something
years old.

"Yes Virgil,  you are your own person! Listen to uncle Roman, and you won't end up alone and sad all your life!" He chided happily towards the baby, who clapped and nodded even if he didn't understand towards Roman.

Logan snapped his finger, and pointed at Roman. "Roman! He does not understand you, because he is a baby!" Logan whisper yelled, then pointing towards Virgil.

The tiny human only stared up at his father and uncle who happily and quietly yelled and fought with eachother. Loud sounds make Virgil cry. Angry tones make Virgil scared. He sat there, deep brown eyes staring up at the pair. Chestnut hair matching Logan's swept over his forehead. Wearing a fuzzy purple footie pijamas. A purple binki in his hand as he absorbed all the new words like a sponge.

"Wow, rude much? Virgil, you're a human, you understand that?" Roman asked, towards the small child on the carpet.

Virgil, who was wide eyed, nodded, and said "hoomian."

Roman cooed, and Logan almost gave because his kid is so very adorable, and he loves him so much.

"Roman, it is time for Virgil to go to bed. Please stop fighting this."

"Virgil! Do you want to go to bed, honey?"

Virgil only blinked normally up towards Roman, wondering what the answer was. Pretty sure the answer is not yes.


"Say no!"


"No!!" Logan said, glaring at Roman. "What have you done?"

Roman laughed, shaking his head. "That's right, Virge! Say no~" he cooed.

Logan went to pick up the child, but he stood up, put his binki in his mouth, and started moving. Albeit slowly, he was going none the less.

"Virgil, it's time to go to bed." Logan stated.

"No," he repeated, continuing his little run.

"Yes," Logan replied, right behind him. Virgil was not going very fast at all. "Please Virgil? Let's going see Daddy Patty."

Virgil stopped, and turned around, running over to hug Logan's knee. Logan hoisted him up, ruffling the toddlers hair.

Roman was still chuckling, as he said, "could I read him a story before bed?"

"Fuck no."

"Fuck!" Virgil repeated.

Logan paled.

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