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Roman poked at the food infront of him his father wants him to eat. You'd think a prince gets to do whatever he wants. It's actually not like that at all. There's thousands of rule, manuerisms, laws, etc that has to be done. 100% obedience policy.

As the king of the sea, his father was a pretty cool dad. He didn't go super stern like, but he definitely made sure Roman did as told and asked.

But man, did Roman /hate/ sea slug.

After he finished the awful food, did his chores and attended a meeting with his father, the red tailed prince took off away from the house. He wasted no time gliding through the water, as fast as he could to the cove.

The cove was his special place. It had tons of bioluminescence, and was a big amazing hole in the rock. He had explored it a thousand times and a thousand times more. There were no extra tunnels. It was almost as if it was made by something other than nature.

He swam as fast as he could, smile wide on his lips as he scurried into the cove. He squeezed into the little entry way, and gasped at what he saw. Never will he get over just how beautiful it was. You could see everything because of the plankton that lit up the cave.

Taking in a deep breath, he just slid down the rock. Relaxing.

He never got to do this anymore. His father was at his neck what seemed always! The only time he gets alone at all is bed time and to use the bathroom!

The moments he spent in his special place were sacred. They were calming, comforting, and the perfect temperature. Roman could spend hours upon hours in here! Just laying on the rock, tail spread out relaxed. Sometimes he would even nap.

As of now, however, Roman was looking out the small hole of an enterance. It had around a two foot radius and was round all the way around. An absolute perfect circle. It was located more near the bottom of the cove, aswell. As if someone didn't want anything getting in or out that was very big.

He could see animals of all kinds swimming around above him. His arms rested on the bottom of the entry way and his head laid loosely on his arms. Roman had a smile on his face, taking steady breaths as he just stayed still...

That was until a very peculiar event occured. He noticed, up at the docks that humans had (everyone thought) long abandoned, a blizzard thing fell into the water.

His kingdom wasn't very far under the water. As of now he was much higher up than his city. Out of pure curiously, he moved a little closer, watching the figure with a close eye. Some sea anenamies wiggled to hide when he emerged, and he looked around at the scenery slightly. It seemed like a normal Sandy bank, but then there was the hole he was currently half way through. That of course was how he found his place...

His place wasn't important anymore. All he cared about now was what he was beginning to guess was a human. A human being? All the way down here?

He fanned his fiery tail, taking off through the water like a torpedo. Eyes gleamed with a sense of wonder and curiosity. The nieve prince excited to have the possibility to see a human. Or maybe more?!

Roman broke the surface or the water a distance away, watching the dock that had a human directly next to it. They swam and held onto the side of the dock, gasping softly.

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