Coming out

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Walking through and along with the crowd of people. In an ocean of humans, just trying to get to his destination. Rain poored down, making the footsteps on the sidewalk blend in with the sound of the rain hitting the pavement. Some people tall, some small, some wide and some thin, some colored and some pale. Yet the same, sad look rested on all of their faces. Why do rainy days do this to people? Why is it that nobody seems to be happy besides the apparent small child? It's most likely because they are all grown, and know how cruel the world is.

              Yet Patton never found Himself thinking this world cruel.  Instead, he found it full, and fun. Sure, some things may be hard, but you always get through it one way or another! Hardships are part of life. But for some reason, nobody shared his thoughts or beliefs. His heart led his actions, decisions, and opinions. Everything to him, was beautiful, regardless of certain traits. Even if you were a complete jerk to him, he would still smile and tell you to have a nice day. Why dwell on things that can't be helped, such as the negative attitude of some stranger you just met? Or even if it wasn't a stranger, more of a dear friend. Why get all caught up in the drama life, when you can be experiencing a much better life.

                  That was until he arrived at his bus stop. One man sat away from the rest of the strangers, who seemed to be just plain avoiding him in general. The guy had shaggy black hair, and a black hoodie on, pulled over his hair. His attire was wet, soaked down to his skin, yet he didn't even seem to care. Eyeshadow was obvious under his eyelids, instead of on top where it would usually go. He had converse on and some jeans of some sort. Above the people, was a tree, and besides the man, an open seat. People went so far as to stand up so they didn't sit next to the man.

                  But Patton doesn't judge anyone. Afterall, he loves everyone regardless. It's simply who he is, nothing more, nothing less. Strutting on over, he placed himself right next to the man, and smiled over at him. They locked eyes for a split second, before the man spoke up.

               "What are you doing?"

             "Waiting for the bus. What about you?" Patt replied.

             The guy gave him a strange look. "No, I meant why are you sitting by me. Everyone in this city knows I'm bad news."

               Patton's face dropped from all emotion as he stared at the guy. "You really think I care about stuff like that? I'm sitting next to you, and plus, who am I to judge by looks. I don't know you, do i?"

                He shrugged, smirking in the direction of the now smiling bubbly man. "Nope, I guess not. I'm Virgil."

             "I'm Patton..." he said, looking down at his own soaked clothing.

              "Where are you headed?" Virgil questioned.

              Patton looked over once again, supprised to hear him making conversation. "I'm going to my home, I guess."

              "You guess?"

              Patton felt pressure in his throat as he took off his glasses, wiping the tear droplets off the glass. "Yeah, I guess. I don't really know if I'm welcome."

              "What do you mean?"

              A sigh escaped his lips. "Well, ever since I came out as Gay, I'm not so sure how everyone reacted. I came out just as I was leaving to collage, and I've been to scared to come back. I mean, they never texted, or called. Or tried to go to my collage to see me?" Patton listed, obvious discomfort on his facial features.

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