(Remy x Logan) Workaholics need sleep too

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The sound of a pen clicking and scribbling down furiously was the only thing that could he heard, besides the small angry sighs, grunts and groans coming from the holder. Ocasionally the pen would stop, and was replaced with the tapping of a thin keyboard.

There sat Logan, eyes bloodshot from staring at a screen for so long. His tie loose, and glasses barely hanging onto his sweaty skin. Beads slowly ran down his forehead and cheeks. He wasn't sure if if was hot in here, or if he was just overworking. He couldn't control that, however. It just so happened that Thomas had a huge event coming up- and Logan wasn't the only one working his ass off.

Though, he was the only one staying up past three. He didnt really mean to stay up so late. It just sort of happened. Oblivious to the clock, oblivious to the knock at his door. All he cared abojf was getting this finished!

He only had one.. more... Page-

His door suddenly flung open, and he what around in his computer chair, eyes wide as he stared. Brown eyes furrowed at the sight of Remy, hair blown back by wind and sunglasses on his face. In his hand a freshly made Starbucks, and he was wearing what he always did when he left Thomas and decided to get lost in the city.

"Hey Logic," Sleep chimed sassily, leaning against the doorway.

Logan twisted his nose up, shaking his head and turning back. He was finishing this if it killed him. Nothing was getting in his way--- not even the embodiment of sleep himself.

That was until his laptop was shut; rather harshly.

A small gasp, "hey!" Logan stated, glare darting up to Remy.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Sleep asked, lowering his glasses to reveal his mocha colored eyes. A small gleam of mistchief behind them.

"Uhm, If you must know," Logan began, straightening his glasses with a pointer finger. "I am very busy. Currently I am almost don't with the seven page script that Roman came up with. Joan will edit it and most likely re arrange quite A bit, but it should suffice-"

"Do, you know what time it is Mr.Writer?" Remy quized, raising an eyebrow.

"Well the last time I checked it was Midnight; why?" Logan asked. When not receiving an answer, and only an amused chuckle, he looked to the digital clock on his headboard.

"3:23 am"

His eyes shog open, looking to Sleep. "I- uh-"

"You're always yelling at me to let Thomas sleep, and for the others to sleep, blah blah health blah blah." Remy stated, laughing and taking a sip of his drink. "Such a hypocrite, Logic. Get to bed. Or do you need some help?"

"I am perfectly capable of going to bed, thank you very much. Has our host slept at all?"

Remy laughed, shifting his weight to his right hip. "Our host? Sleep? When I'm out of town? Doubtful." At that moment Logan wondered where he always runs off to, but shook his head away from that thought. "I should probably pay him a visit. But Logan... I know everyone sleep schedules, yknow. Usually I avoid you and Virgil- he makes me do the oposite of my job. You usually have your sleep covered. However..." He glanced yo the laptop.

Logan sighed, rubbing his temples. "Yes, I get it, you were not the only one responsible for our host not sleeping. I have realized this. Apologies." He said, walking over to his bed and sitting down. An overwhelming tierd had just hit him, eyes fluttering closed.

Remy smirked, strutting over to Logan and touching his forehead. The Logical trait fully closed his eyes, dark blue light causing a ripple effect where Sleep had touched him. Remy then lightly laid him down, the blue light continuing to make its way around his body.

"Sleep well, Logan. Workaholic." Remy rolled his eyes, about to walk away before realizing the trait still had his glasses and tie on. Careless.

Taking the items off and placing them on his laptop, Remy sighed. He did this often. Normally with Creativity and Morality. Virgil didnt take effect to him, and Logan was usually good with his sleeping schedule. He was also too pussy to step foot in the dark side, though sometimes he had to. He was neutral, after all. Remy knew everything about the others when it came to sleep.  It was strange, he just knew this stuff. Like how Roman sleeps with Cucumbers on his eyes. Like how Patton is a cuddler. Like how Patton wont sleep until he's sure the others are; but Sleep had recently persuaded him to stop worrying abiut if the others slept. That was his job.

He never realized how cute Logan was until he saw him under his spell. Remy had that power on People- just the touch of a finger and theyd be asleep. Sort of like the sand man.

Walking over, he contemplating either kissing him, or dumping his coffee on him. Rebellion, after all. No regrets.

Though, he felt like he may regret not wishing Logan one last good night. In a swift motion, he planted a sweet kiss yo the top of his forehead, a small residue of blue dust rested against Logics forehead.

Sinking down to accompany Thomas to bed, he had a small smirk on his face.

((Ahhh not that good i know im still figuring Remy out but uhm here-))

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