Yes really (Logicality)

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"Hey!" Logan's voice rang out loud and strong, tumbling back slightly. A look of supprise resting on his features, eyebrows furrowed. His eyes glanced to the person he had just ran into, spilling coffee all over his shirt he had just put on that morning.

"Oh!" Patton gasped, regret lacing his voice. "I'm so sorry, Lo!" He stated, estatic. Hands flying as he told Logan he would be right back. Running into the nearby bathroom, before coming out with a giant wad of toilet paper. Patt quickly started to dab Logan's chest and belly, everywhere where the coffee had spilt.

"Patton-" Logan tried to get him to stop as he rubbed the fabric on his chest. Though he continued, frantically apologizing. "I- Patton- Please-" he attempted again, trying to move the hands that were now scrubbing his stomach. Logan struggled to find the words to make him cease, growing frustrated, "Morality!"

Logan had screamed that time. Patton imediently stopped, eyes snapping up to Logan like a scared child. "I can do it myself Patton." Logic stated in a matter-of-factly tone. "I am not an infant." He reminded, grabbing the Toilet Paper from Patton's hand, and turning the opposite way, the way he was originally going.

"I-I... But I'm sorry." Patton stated, voice broken and soft. He sounded fragile, like he was about to break down in tears. Honestly, he probably was. Logan getting mad at him always made him upset. All Patton wanted was to be there for Logan, to make him smile, to remind him to sleep and eat, to help him, and so much more. Yet Logan didn't care, or perhaps he just didn't see it. It still hurt him.

Logan slowly turned around, face now lacking all emotion what so ever. He looked at Patton's face, half turned around. One year ran down his cheek, glasses hiding how many were already built in his delecate eyes. Many more followed this tear, and Patton was on the floor. He had sunk to his knees and was leaning against the railing of the stairs that were just behind him.

"Patton, I-" he felt---eugh-, bad. Logan hated feeling things, and tried his best to refrain from such things. However, when it came to Thomas's Moral side. Logic couldn't deny that he did indeed feel things around Patton. Things he didn't normally. He wasn't stupid. It was obvious he had a romantic attraction to Patton. Yet, he chose to keep that hidden. Chose to pretend he didn't care for Patton for anything more than coworkers and housemates.

Somehow, even after all of everything, he broke that how. The vow to never show Patton he cared. His eyebrows went back to being furrowed, as he ran over to Patton's crumbling form. He kneeled next to Patton, worry flooding over him.

"Patton, oh, I apologise for yelling at you." He began, hesitant to take the personality trait in his arms. Though he did, letting Patton rest his head on Logan's shoulder. "I just get angry too fast. It's something I'm working on, and I'm very stressed, but that's no excuse. What I did hurt you and I truly regret it." He finished, squeezing Patton once more to reassure him.

The crying side continued the way he was for about a minute, before he soaked in everything Logic said. He glanced up at Logan. "R-really?" Patton stuttered.

"Yes really, Patton. Yes really." He stated, offering him a smile smile for comfort, something he had researched. Logan leaned forward, resting his head on Patton's and breathing out. The two of them simply sat there, enjoying each other's embrace, much to Logan's supprise. Normally he would hate this much enotionally charged physical interaction.

"So..." Patton began, but silenced himself. He shook his head, snuggle back into Logan's chest. Seeming to regret even opening his mouth.

"What?" Logan asked, placing his left hand on the back of Patton's head. Feeling the soft hair that rested under. It resembled silk, soft and amazing to the touch.

"No, nothing." He persisted, tint of pink growing on his cheeks. Logan took note of the colored hue, and looked Patton in the eye. Having to tilt his head down to actually look at him due to the position.

"Please tell me." Logan urged.

Patton seemed to think about it, before sitting up. "Okay. But, promise not to tell anyone?" Patton quizzed, wide eyes staring at Logan expectantly.

"Erh-" Logan paused, "if someone finds out they definitely did not hear it from me. Do realize Patton that we are in the middle of a community hallway." Meaning everyone used that hallway. If someone overheard Patton, if by no means would be Logan's fault.

"Oh- yeah, uh.." Patt paused like Logan had, before looking up at him with big doe eyes. "Why are you being so nice right now? You shouldn't be nice to people out of pity."

There was a silence. That had caught Logan off gaurd and his mind was now racing for something to say. Pity? The only thing Logan could think to muster was, "no!"

Patton flinched softly, confused look plastered on his face. "Wha-"

"No its- no- its not- uhg! not out of pity!" He stated, mind drawing a blank then going back to racing a thousand miles a second. His free hand that wasn't touching Moralities soft head running through his own hair. A deep breath was taken, Logan preparing himself to confess. It had to be done. "Its not out of pity." Voice now soft, "It's out of sympathy." Patton let out a gasp, but Logan continued. "You make me feel, you make me feel emotions, like I'm alive."


"Everytime I yell, or get upset, or can't controk my anger and hurt you enotionally. I regret it. I hate hurting you, but I couldn't show that to you. I had to keep being the emotionless robot everyone was used to, or else the others and you would grow suspicious. Even minor things that I shouldn't get mad over, I do. I'm..." A longer pause, Logan's brown eges meeting Patton's. The older traits eyes glimmering as if he was staring into a bright light.

"I'm so sorry."

That was enough for Patton. He was over crying sad tears. As of now, happy tears flooded down his face. His hands reached up, grabbing Logan by the face and chuckling. Logic couldn't help but join him in this, starting out with just a giggle. Soon, the two of their laughs had conjoined together, and grew louder. They were now both embracing eachother, just laughing in hysterics as if they had heard the funniest joke of all their lives. The laugher quickly calmed down as they laid on tbe floor together. Simply enjoying life.

Their moment, however, was interupted ad a very tierd Virgil came from his room. His eyes were barely open, and feet shuffling. One moment he was yawning and streaching his left arm. The next, flat on his face in pain. He had tripped over the cuddling men, landing square in the face.

Que Patton getting up to frantically apologize.

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