(Analogical) Forgetful

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TW for alcohol use!

(Written before the new Sanders sides video!)

Logan rung his hands through his hair. Sighing with dismay as he felt stress overtake him. Tensing his body and squeezing his brain. Headache already begining in his frontal lobe. Eyes staring down at the papers that scattered his desk, and light that emitted from his laptop.

This is a pretty normal thing for Logan. He was logic, yes, which is used subtly and mundanely. However, he also ran alot of the left brains functions, and controlled short term and long term memory storage. Plus, he helped with scheduling and scripts. So he was always packed, always working, always stressed and always tierd. As of recently that is.

When Virgil first became accepted around the light sides, Logan was alot less uptight. Currently, he is jumpy, irritable, and cranky all together. Not only has it caught Patton's and Roman's attention, it caught the lurker's attention aswell. What was making Logan act so out of character? Or well, in charecter really, but angry and harsh?

Skipping meals, working overtime, no longer joining movie nights and family events. He even missed a sander side episode. Wondering if he could do anything at all to help, Virgil rose up infront of his door.

"Logan?" He asked as he knocked a few times.

There was shuffling, and Logan opened the door. In the small amount of time, he decided he was going to get drunk. Bottle of whiskey in his hand and smile plastered on his face. He had only just started, but with such a low tolerance, it didn't take much.

"Wha- Logan? Are you drinking??" Virgil asked in disbelief, mouth and eyes wide at the booze in his left hand.

"Shh-" Logan slurred, leaning into the frame of the door. "Don't tell Patton.... I just, I just needed a break." He said.

Looking into his eyes, Virgil could see the amount of stress built up over time behind them. Behind the glasses were brown eyes with bags and dark circles. Hair disheaved and wearing a white tank top. Glasses crooked and sweat making his hair stick to his forehead.

"I wouldn't. It's not my business. You wouldn't drink irrationally." Virgil thought, trying to calm his anxiety. His main worry that Logic could or even would hurt himself. Then he figured he should keep his company. Monitor his intake and behavior, Incase logic acsidentally throws himself out the window. Litterally and figuratively.

"D'ya want somethiiing?" Logan asked, shaking his head as he is infact aware that his speach is impared.

"Uhm- yeah. Could I- uhm- have a drink too?" Virgil decided.

Logan narrowed his eyes. "You don't drink."

Virgil smirked. Well, at least he is still aware of basic facts. Meaning that Logan was, indeed, practicing responsible drinking. "You're right."

Logan simply blinked at him. Virgil still had not answered his question.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay- could we just- hang out or something?"

Logan seemed to ponder it, before he walked back into his room, leaving the door open as an invitation to come in.

Walking in, Virgil gagged slightly. The smell of alcohol linguring through the air. The emo made his way to the edge of Logan's bed, as said nerd sat at his computer chair. Grabbing ahold of the glass with whiskey on the rocks.

They sat there for e moment, un comfortable silence, before one of them spoke again.

"So- why're ya really here?" The intoxicated side slurred, relaxed in his chair for the first time in forever.

Virgil was spacing off, and the words easily snapped his attention to Logan. "Oh- I just... I guess I'm worried about you."

"Mm. Yea." He agreed to something that wasn't an opinion or question.

Virgil blinked but moved on. "So I just, figured maybe you need someone to talk to."

"Yes." Logan again agreed. Hand on his forehead.

Virgil tilted his head. Logan was aware of basic facts, but didn't seem to want to talk. "How much have you drank?"

"Not enough." He replied as he took another big gulp of his drink. "Im- I'ma forget! Forget tonight ..." He said with a hiccup. "I'm just- sick of, sick'v nobody taking me seriously. All this work. I love work. Itzzz not funany more!" He said, growing emotional. He reached up and touched his face, throwing his head back. "Uhg! Emotions."

Virgil shook his head compassionately. Standing up, he gently managed to pry the drink from Logan's hand. Who, upon not having something to hold, grabbed Virgil. Virge set the drink off to the side, and picked Logan up with ease. Leading him over to the bed and laying him down softly.

Situating him so he is under the covers.

"Vigil?" Logan asked quietly, squinting at the blurry mess of black and purple, as Virgil had removed his glasses.


"Kiss me."

Virgil's eyes widened, then softened. "Logan... You're drunk."

"I am. I am also telling you to kiss me. Please."

Virgil stared down, only wishing to do just that, but shaking his head. "If you tell me to kiss you tomarrow, when you're sober, I will take you up on that... But... Until then, goodnight." He said, planting a soft kiss on the top of Logan's head.

Which seemed to work as Logic passed out. Snuggling into his blankets as Virgil safely dispursed of the booze. Shutting the door silently behind him.

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