(Logicality) Birthday Books

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Childhood love...

"That there is the cats eye nebula." Logan continued to list off names of the different galexies, stars, nebulas and Novas. It was Logan's 14th birthday, and for that day Patton had bought him an astronamy book so that Lo could read it to him. So far, Patton hadn't gotten a single thing and they were half way through the book, but that wasn't why Patton got it.

Patt didn't care about facts, and he did love the stars! Learning just wasn't as easy as looking in a book for him. He did get the book, however, so that Logan could read to him. That was all he cared about.

When Logan would inform Patton of a fact, his dark blue eyes would light up. They would twinkle with an interest, and the boy would get giddy and excited. As Logan would read, he would trail off with stories and random facts of his own that the book didn't have to offer. He would point to the sky, wanting Patton to look too; but he never did. Patton's eyes never left the knowledge filled boy.

"Patton, are you even listening?"

Patton's eyes widened softly as he blinked a few times. He hadn't even noticed he had spaced off. "Oh, uhm, yeah I am!"

Logan sighed at this answer, looking down at the book. "Why did you ask me to read this to you if you're not even going to listen?"

Patton had a bubbly wave of worry hit him in the heart. Logan thought Patton was just being absent minded, but really his mind was so full. Though it wasn't full of facts and galexies like Logan's brain was. His brain held one main thing; his best friend Logan.

"Logan, I got it so that you could read it to me, because when you talk about stuff you love, you're eyes do the thing!" The older child beamed.

"The Thing?"

"Ya! Thing! They get all sparkly like you're looking into lights, and your face just glows. You get so excited and giddy. I'm sorry I don't understand most of the words your saying- but I still enjoy listening to you!" Patt explained. "And when you accomplish something? The way you get all proud and arogant, always showing it off and bragging about it, but not in a way that makes you seem rude. The way you can spend hours on one thing just to get it right." He listed, finishing with a small boop of the others nose.

The smart childs glasses were slightly coming off his face. Hues of red could be spotted on his cheeks. He glanced down to the book, then back to his friend.

"You really notice all that about me?" He asked. He didn't even notice that about himself, and that little spout from his friend made his stomach flutter.

"Well, ya! It's kinda hard to miss, y'know. Expecially when you're someone just so noticable!" Patton gushed, giggling softly.

The blunt nature of Patton caused Logan to blush a little harder, clearing his throat.

"Well, I uhm, I thank you Patton... You are, interesting yourself." The child spoke, fixing his glasses as he drew his attention back to the book. Patton took the chance to wish him a happy birthday.

They sat on that hill for hours. Logan had finished the book, and they had just started talking. They both had places to be and dinner to eat. But at that moment in time, all the boys carred about was the fact that somewhere, somehow,

Their hands had intertwined.

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