Princete/ Inspiration

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The royal trait threw his pen down for the hundredth time, already annoyed with himself. He hated when this happened. Creativity block. Somehow he couldn't think of one single good idea, in his standards. They were either garbage, or his mind was just blank.

Roman sighed, running a sweaty palm across his cheeks and forehead. He had to do something; this was driving him insane! Something to spark his inspiration. An item, a memory, a person, music, nature, just anything to pull him out of his rutt.

Looking around the room with his mocha colored eyes, he narrowed his brow, knitting them close together. His room was spotless as always. Beautiful, and it reflected on him. Though, he spotted nothing that would make good idea material. Idea about what you ask? He wasnt even sure anymore. Roman had long forgotten what exactly it was he was in search of anymore.

His bed laid in the center of the room, red bedsheets draped over the edges. His wardrobe pushed up against the wall, closed and secure, wooden in texture and brown in color. His floors polished, his lamp on, his bedside table standing sturdy. Alarm clock rested comfy on the table, pushed against the wall. Scanning towards the ceiling, a lame eggshell white stood out, brighter than preference at that moment. On his walls rested Disney posters. He could do something with Disney? He didn't want to seem too persistent, however, as Anxiety has non stop shot down any Disney related idea recently, claiming prince could "do better."

A long groan emitted from his vocal cords, horse from not being used in hours. His stomach growled from within, but he ignored that. Food could wait; ideas and inspiration had his top priority. He thought about solutions, something Logan had taught him. You could always go visit Patton, or even Virgil for a quick idea, he thought. Though, Patton doesn't show it he's always busy, and Virgil always sounds rather annoyed when he's around (less than before of course, but the anxious trait was still gaurded...) Logan was a possibility. Logic could perhaps spark an idea. Sadly, he was also trying to work, currently locked in his room..

That left him two sides who he actually knows, to talk to. Sleep or Deceit. Well, he didn't exactly know either of them. They were both a mystery to Roman. Sleep was as sassy as him, and sometimes fire and fire in the same place isn't a good idea. Deceit, however, he'd always been sort of neutral on. The Sanders sides videos are scripted, he knows that much.

But when it came to the snake hybrid, he didn't actually know what was behind the charecter Thomas assigned him. He had never spoken to him but for a video, and he wasn't Patton, so he sure as hell didn't know what the guy was thinking. With that in mind, he shrugged, stood up, and thought deceitful thoughts.

I'm not amazing at everything I do...

I'm stoic and not at all sassy...

I'm not gay...

The thoughts worked as he slowly Rose from the floor infront of Deceits room. Sinking here was the easiest way to not be detected by the other dark sides; which he really knew nothing about. Just that they have dangerous potential. Though, doesn't everyone?

Knocking with three strict knocks, he stepped back slightly. Each side had their own knocks. Logan's was Four in a row with a pause in each, Patton's was two was a knock, with another, followed by two, and Virgils was just two knocks, usually faint. Roman settled with Three fast beats, as it seemed easiest.

The black, shadow covered door slowly crept open. Roman grinned at the crack in the door, tilting his head and was about to speak- as he was suddenly pulled inside. The creative trait let out a Yelp, gasping as he was dragged inside. The door behind him slammed shut, and he was pressed to it, gloved hand covering his mouth. Roman stared straight into the eyes of what others could compare to the devil.

"What in the fuck are you doing over here?" The hissing voice of Deceit was hushed, anger relevant in his venomous voice, but worry and concern laced through it. "Do you know how safe it is to be here? Aren't you smart Prince Roman. " The Deceitful side sighed, letting go of the others mouth and waving a wrist, glass of water appearing in his hand. "Please, tell me what you're here for."

He sounded super done with Roman, and he had just got here! Kind of forcefully, but got here none the less! With a small pout and a glare, Roman crossed his arms. "Why thank you. I come to visit you and get insulted. Flipen sweet man. I just came to hang, what's the ding dang problem?" Roman asked, glaring softly at the side with more confusion than anger.

Deceit cocked an eyebrow at Roman. "Hang out?"

"Uhm yeh hang ou-"

"People just "hang out" with me?"

"Well I am trying to-"

"Roman, what do you really want.." Deceit sounded flat, monotone.

"What did I just say?" Roman was getting annoyed, putting a foot down. "I want to hang out, and get to know you. I'm going to see you around more often anyways, right?"


"What? Oh yeah, never mind." Roman stated, forgetting the other speaks in lies. "So I might aswell talk with you. Duh." Roman stated, making himself welcome as he placed himself on the end of the small bed in the corner.

Deceit deadpanned, placing the water down on the bedside table.

"If you insist..." His words came out slow as he sat next to Roman. He was still suspicious of what was happening. Nobody ever came to his room unless to start a fight, try to invite him for dinner (Patton-) or make him feel like a looser. Or to call him for a video, lately.

Roman nodded, smirk returning to his lips. "Yes! Okay, so as I was going to say before you so rudely pulled me in here. I am having a creative block."

"Creativity? Having a creative block? Not supprising." Deceit teased softly, receiving a small puff of protest from Roman.

"Anyways- I came here for ideas, basically."

"Ah, so you aren't using me."


Deceit sighed, shaking his head. Whatever. It takes a while to get used to his way of speech.

"Well, go on ahead then. This isn't a waste of my precious time."

"Okay! Do you like Disney at all? I misjudged Virgil by assuming he didn't once." Roman began.

"Disney?" Deceit asked, pursing his lips. He shrugged. He didn't want to upset Roman. He was one of the only sides that was rather indifferent to Disney. He was more of a Marvel DC kind of trait. With an eye roll, he shrugged again. "Uhm, yeah, sure."

Roman prosessed for a second, before gasping. "What?!"

Deceits eyes widened. "What?"

"That's it! I have an idea! I'm gonna get you to like Disney if it kills me!!"

"Careful what you wish for.." Deceit said with a bone chilling glare, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You'll love it! C'mon!"

With that Roman tugged Deceit down and they rose up in his own room.

Dee was beyond the point of protest at this point.


Roman was cute when he got all offended. He should do it more often.

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