(No ship) Honey, I Shrunk the Dark Sides! part two.

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The logical side yelled, wasting no time slipping the two dark sides into his pocket, and running down the hallway in which he came. Footsteps pounding against the hard wood as he rushed to his friends room.

"Virgil!?" He said loudly, opening the door handle in desperation. Eyes scanning the room, only to find nothing. His breathing increased, he lost a tiny Virgil. Anxiety, alone, minature, scared. Logan's mind raced as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to think rationally.

Virgil was wearing his headphones around his neck when he drank the potion. That means that wherever his headphones were, he must be. Looking down, he saw the headphones on the bed. Logan almost got distracted with the question why did it shrink the clothes with the bodies, but not the headphones. Then he realized that Virgil must have took them off before he shrunk.

"Shit." Logan murmered, watching his feet carefully as he maneuvered around he unfirmilliar space. Sweat forming on his forehead as he looked for his emo friend. Thomas's anxiety, a vital part of his personality.

Remus or Deceit, no big deal, but Virgil....

Let's be real here, he only was worrying thinking of what Patton would do. He would be furious. Or worse, he may cry. Logan only grew more desperate at the thought.

Then he heard it. He heard the smallest, saddest sound in the world. High pitched, quiet sobbing. Logan listened carefully for where the sound could be originating from. He payed close attention to the ground as he walked over to the side of the bed. There, he saw the small purple emo. Bending down, he looked at him.

Two inches tall, stood Virgil on the edge of his bed. In the middle of an anxiety attack. Arms wrapped around himself, laying on his side, and from what Logan could tell, shaking. Tiny black streaks were under his eyes. He looked exactly the same, but just tiny.

"Oh Virgil," Logan whispered, softly. "I'm so sorry." He apologized, slowly scooping up the emo in both hands and holding him close. This seemed to calm him down, as the sound ceased, and his shaking slowed. Logan peeked down at the trait to see that he had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Petting his hair gently with a thumb.

Sighing, Logan took out the other two to also find them asleep. He shook his head. At least he figured out how to shrink people. That's a plus, he supposed.


Logan, Roman, and Patton stared down at the small pile of sleeping sides. Remus on the bottom, with Deceit and Virgil slumped up against him. Both of them seemingly comfortable while Remus just looked plain dead.

"So... they're two inches tall now."

"Roman, for the eighth time, yes."

"Dont be mean Logie, uhm, but, can you reverse it?"

"I didn't make it strong, after all it was only a testing batch."

"Wait, didn't you try to get me to drink this?"

"Well, yes, it was originally meant for you. It was meant to be a flexibility enhancer, to aid you in your quests."

"Awe Lo Lo that's so sweet!- but, really, how long does this last?"

"Anywhere from a day, to a week. It shouldn't be anymore than a week and a half." Logan concluded, examining the small cuddle puddle.

"Geesh!" Roman exasperated, shaking his head. "I can't believe that you just left Virgil alone after you gave him ah strange potion. Irrisponsible much?"

Logan's nostrils flared with rage at being called such ah thing. "I'll have you know-"

"Shh!! They're waking up!!" Patton exclaimed, watching as Virgil peeled himself off of Remus. Giving the sleeping pair a grossed out look, before standing up wobbily.

He looked up at the group sadly. Patton, in an attempt to comfort him, took his pointer finger and rubbed it on his head. Virgil seemed to appreciate that, because he offered the fatherly Trait a smile.

"You okay?" Patton asked, receiving a nod. "Hungry?" Another nod.

At the mention of food, or well, synonymous, Remus woke up and flung awake. Flinging Deceit off of him and waving his hands to get Patton's attention, even if he was tierd. Deceit rubbed his eyes, shaking his head and standing up aswell. Dusting himself off with a distasteful look on his features.

Patton looked into the fridge, and grabbed three blueberries. Since they were about the size of apples for them, he decided that would work. He walked back over, and placed the berries down. Remus, being himself, took all of them and ran to hide behind the cookie jar. They were on the kitchen counter after all. Patton gave a disappointed look, but shook his head, retrieving four more for them. Deceit and Virgil greatfull.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" Roman asked, tempted to just throw his brother in the trash and forget about him. One, he would probably like it anyways. Two, he is annoying, and it's the perfect place for him. Remus reminded Roman of that one asshole bird who attacked anyone who went near it's food even if it wasn't eating. Only he did it with everything, and for no reason.

Speaking of Remus, Roman watched as he came out if his hiding spot with purple all over his hands and face, smile ever present. He looked up at Roman and held out his arms, making grabbing hands.

"I'm not picking you up." Roman said firmly.

Remus only lowered his arms, and his smile faded away. His face turned into more of a pout. He stomped his foot, and did the gesture again.


"Yees!" The word came out barely understandable, however he did appear angry.

"Just do it, Roman." Logan urged. He had the tiny Deceit in his hands, helping him rinse his hands without getting his whole body wet. Then doing the same with Virgil. Holding them under their armpits.

Roman rolled his eyes, and picked up the tiny Remus. Staring down at him as he watched his brother snuggle with his thumb. He managed to smirk a little bit. But his smile faded away when he felt Remus's blade sink into his palm. He let out a scream, hand flailing in the air, taking Remus on a ride. Remus was making making a sound similar to "weee!" But it was silenced as Roman flicked Remus back onto the counter, making a loud fwap. Angrily pulling the tack like knife out of his thumb, muttering something before sucking on the injury.

"Oh my gosh! Roman!" Patton said, rushing over to the now knocked out Remus. "What happened?"

Roman said nothing as he picked the trait up by his ruffles, and dropped him into the garbage.

Virgil about rolled off the counter.

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