( Logicality)Food Fight

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"Yes Patton?" Logan called from the top of the stairs, just beginning to walk down. He was dressed for the day, and he had just gotten up about an hour ago. His hand rested against the rail as he stepped down to the kitchen.

"I- uhm!!" The loud voice of Morality rang out, worried, "don't be mad!"

Logan's brows furrowed. Why would be be mad? Did he hurt himself? Did he burn something? Then his face flushed with horror and he stopped walking, just a few meters away from the door. He had made a mess. Logics face was as white as anxieties, fists clenched as he deadpanned. Slowly, his fear began to walk again. He almost fainted at the sight.

There stood Patton. Flour and batter, and probably other stuff strung all over his body, and glasses. Around him laid cracked eggs, a spilt bag of sugar, and more flour everywhere. When Logan looked up, he let out an upset noise of dissaproval. All over the counters was cookie dough, flour, eggs, sugar, honey, vanilla; the list could go on. A hand drew to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Patton?" Logan asked, 100% done by the tone of his voice.

"Yea?" Patton asked, taking off his glasses and looking up at Logan. His face resembled a kicked puppy, guessing he was getting in trouble.

"What.. happened?"

"Uhm.." Patton bit his lip, glancing to the right.

Logan couldn't believe it. There was even batter and other substances all over the cupboards. It made Logic sick, but when he glanced down to Patton, who was deep in thought, he couldn't be mad.he uncrossed his arms, encouraging Patton to explain.

"Me and Virgil and Deceit and Roman were having a food fight!"

Logan paused. "I don't know whether to cringe at how awful that sentence was or demand that the other three reveal themselves. Oh, I know. How about both?"

It took a moment, but soon a flour covered snake, yolk and honey covered cat and a little red and white beetle finally emerged.

In a poof of purple, red and yellow smoke, the three traits were standing there. Guilty look on their faces, but smiles none the less. It was fun, and worth it.

"Why with cake supplies?" Logan quizzed.

"Patton wasn't making a cake." Deceit admitted.

"The batter tastes wonderful, by the way dear Patton." Roman addressed to the trait on the floor, smiling devilishly. Charming as ever.

"Thank you, Kiddo!" Patton stated.

Virgil just offered Logan a shy, guilty shrug and a "sorry." Before looking to his feet.

Logan nodded, understanding mildly. He didn't get fun, most of the time. Yet, he knew there were far betters ways of having it besides trashing the kitchen. He shook his head, huffing softly.

"I don't get you guys. Alas, I cannot control that. Get this cleaned up, please." Logan said, walking to Patton and offering him a kiss to the lips. "Also, Roman, could you make me a pot of coffee?" Logan questioned, already walking out of the room.

Roman was going to protest, but was prodded in the arm by Virgil. He whined, but settled anyways, walking to the coffee maker. Deceit hissed in distaste, before helping Patton up off the floor. He was the only one who didn't hide, knowing Logan couldn't be mad at his boyfriend. Virgil got started, getting out the sponges.

Let's just say, the kicthen was never so clean.

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