(Analogical) Anger issues

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Warning for fighting.
Yanno, normal couple stuff.

"god danm it!!!" Rang out across the apartment. Followed by loud stomps and a crash.

"Holy sh- Did you just throw your computer at me?!" Virgil shouted, though it was obvious that Logan had indeed thrown his laptop in the general direction Virgil was in. Poor thing busted against the wall, bolts and chips flewn a over.

"Of course I did! You want me off it so badly?! It's fucking gone now!" Logan stated, seething at this point. Face red and boiling to the touch, anger all over. Stance that of agressive, obviously upset.

"You're a fucking idiot, Log-"

"I KNOW! I'm just so STUPID right?! That's why I'm so useless and idiotic, don't you know that already?! After all, you're the fucker that says it!!"

"God- fuck Logan! Stop screaming at me!" Virgil shouted, "Just because I want you to spend time with me doesn't mean break your computer!" He stated with a stomp of the foot.

"Oh, just wanting to spend time with me?! I don't believe that approaching me and saying to me, and I quote, "Get off the computer, you're always on that fucking thing and it's getting annoying." Is asking me to spend time with you" Logan stated, fire in his eyes and jaw clenched. It was as if a vain would burst from his forehead. Hair unreal, messy and all over. Tie loosened, shirt unbuttoned once and sweat on his brow.

Virgil looked no better, tear streaked face. They had been fighting for almost an hour now over the computer, what was said, what had been done in the past... The eyeshadow that normally rested under his eyes on his cheeks now. Fists clenched and to his sides. "I messed up?! Okay! Please just stop!" He yelled, hands going up to his ears, beginning to shake.

"Why should I?! You started yelling  at me!" Logan seethed, before taking a deep breath in, and running over to the couch. He pressed his head into one of the cushions, screaming into it. This caused Virgil to flinch, silent tears going down his face. The tie clad man screamed his angers into the couch that had fallen victim. Logan continued this for almost an entire minute, before he completely fell silent. Stomach pressed against the back of the couch, angled behind it and bent over.

All was silent for a good while besides heavy breathing. This was good. They had gotten to the point in the argument when all stands quiet. At this point, it was the time to calm down, and think about what you want to say.

Logan eventually peeled his face from the furniture. He didn't look at his husband, instead he went around the arm of the couch, and sat down on a plush cushion. Virgil got the idea, and went the opposite direction, sitting on the other end. Logan's face unreadable, emotionless, but Virgil's regretful, guilty and upset.

The emo decided he would start first, taking a Shakey breath in. "Logan... I'm sorry-" a scoff, "r-really I am." The tremble in his tone made Logan realize that his words were indeed sincere.

"I just," Logan replied, "I try so hard for you-- for us." He stated, his own tears pricking his eyes. "I'm always on the computer because I'm working Virgil." He stated, posture finally faltering as his back relaxed. Head falling into his hands, elbows rested on his knees. That was when he broke into sobs.

Virgil was a bit taken aback, gasping softly. He imediently moved over to him, hugging into him in a side hug. Then Logan kept talking, "I want the best for us," he said, using I Language. "I try to hard, I work so much, so that I can buy you gifts on Christmas and your birthday. So that I can buy you chocolate on Valentines day, take you on random trips, and go grocery shopping. All while I pay the bills so that you can have electricity, water, plumbing, and everything that comes with that. Plus, I want out of this apartment Virge!" He stated, ending that sentence to sob. Head not leaving his hands.

"Oh, Logan.." Virgil sighed, shaking his head. "I am sorry. I was being inconsiderate, and, I shouldn't have been. You do everything for me, and I love you so much. I want out of here to. We're on the same side, baby." He explained, causing Logan to look up at his lover, the both of them locking tear filled eyes.

"I-Im sorry too." Logan sobbed out, smiling gently at Virgil who returned the gesture.

"But Lo, I also feel like you make no time but for an hour at night, where we either do nothing and imediently go to sleep, or we just..." He didn't finish the sentence, knowing Logan understood what he was meaning. Hs hadn't exactly been preforming too well. "Sometimes I feel like, you almost don't want to-"

"I do not want to ignore you, Virgil. Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so inconsiderate aswell. I'll try my best to stretch to spend more time with you." Logan promised.

"And I will promise to be more considerate of you're time schedule and appreciative for what you do for me, for us." Virgil leaned in, planting a kiss to his lovers nose. Logan sniffles, hugging onto his husband's chest. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Virgil."

The two of them snuggled close right there, just holding each other in a form of make up. Listening to the sound of each others heartbeats and breathing. Then, Logan opened his mouth one last time. "I'm also going to have to save up for a new laptop. I also will have to go to work on foot now." He stated, whispering.

This caused Virgil to chuckle, leaning his head on Logan's. Virgil pressed a loving kiss to his forehead. They stayed there for a while longer. Before the two of them finally fell asleep in eachother embrace.

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