Anxiety x Thomas(Never Again)

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"Thomas!  No!" Virgil screeched,  hands tangled in his hair and pulling as he watched his host.  "God danm it Thomas- Don't!!" Panic was evident in his disk sized eyes,  sharp breaths and shakey legs.  Anxiety overtaking the both of them suddenly.  The trait was watching his host,  gear tied around him and helmet on his head.  He was so high above the ground it wasn't even funny.

Bungee jumping.

The personality traits we're sitting in the living room,  staring at the viewing screen.  Patton was just as scared as Virgil, Roman was all in; urging Thomas with excitement, and Logan seemed to only be worried about safety.

"Are you sure this is safe,  Joan?" Thomas asked hesitantly,  low voice quiet and calm but his body tense and obviously fear filled.

Joan looked up from where they we're standing, laugh escaping their lips. "Yes Thomas, this is perfectly safe.." They said and went back to what they were doing.

Thomas took in a shakey breath, looking down at what was to soon come, which sent Virgil into a rampage causing Thomas to stumble back slightly. Thomas took a deep breath in, clenching his eyes.

Joan walked over and put a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Hey buddy, this is gonna be fun!! Don't worry, yeah?" They tried to comfort. Which worked, as Roman Patton and Logan agreed with their words.

After a few more minutes of preparation, Thomas and Joan stood next to each other , Talyn standing back and recording. They gave the two of them a thumbs up, signalling they had began recording, before Thomas suddenly said-

"I changed my mind-"

"Oh no you dont!!" Joan yelled, tugging the helpless man off in a swift motion. Thomas screamed, and inside his head was pure chaos.

"WOOOHOO!!" shouted Roman,  staring at the screen with pure joy.

"There's a bird!!" Patton added,

"I hope this harness is secured fully -" Logan.


Hours had passed since this adventure.  Anxiety was wore to the bone,  lumped against the couch with a tear stained face from freaking out so danm bad.  Patton had made everyone cookies,  claiming they we're Virgil's comfort cookies and also award cookies for Roman. Who liked that plan,  as anx didn't give a single shit.  He was still pissed at the prince for putting him through that. 

Thomas gave them a pull,  summoning the four of them. 

One by one they popped up,  and saw that Joan and Talyn we're just leaving.

"I'm stealing a packet of oreos from you!" Talyn yelled, holding up a packet for Thomas go see,  resulting in a chuckle from Joan.

"Go ahead Talyn, Love you guys!  Bye! "

"Bye! " They both said together,  giggling.  Talyn punched Joan in the arm and said "jynx!" Joan only laughed more,  rubbing their shoulder and offering Thomas a final wave as they shut the door behind them.

Thomas sighed fondly, before looking to his sides.  "Hey guys! Wow,  that was actually so much fun! Virgil,  thanks for easing up afterwards.. " he acknowledged,  sending Virge a small smile.

Anxiety gave a sarcastic smile,  before glaring. "That was a stupid stunt,  Sanders. Don't do it again. "

"Oh,  never. That was a one time thing.  But I experienced it,  and that's what matters! "

"I had so much fun thank you for doing it can we go skydiving next?!" Roman suddenly squeaked, and the other four paled.

"Uhm-" Patton said,  unsure how to break it to roman that his idea would probably kill Virgil.

"That sounds -" Thomas began,

"Awful,  dangerous,  SCARY,  NO. " Virgil interrupted,  holdie up and demonic voice clear.  He cleared his throat,  leaning back.  "Please,  I just want to eat Funions and watch The Black Cauldron.. " the anxious, and tired trait whined.

Thomas laughed at his lover,  walking over.  He knew Anx would be exhausted after that.  He knew Virgil wouldn't have liked that he sided with Roman,  but Thomas needed to feed into the interests of all his personality traits sometimes.  Or else he wouldnt let them work a whole lot. 

"I'm sorry,  I love youuuu~" Thomas chimed,  poking his nose to Virgil's cheek in appreciation. "You don't hate me.. "

"Yes I do... "

"Awe. " Thomas said,  defeated look on his face.

"Im just kidding.  But seriously.  Never again. "

Thomas laughed,  connecting his lips to Virgil's in a quick movement. 

"Yeah.  Never again. "

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