Relax. (LAMP)

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Tw; this is written very badly lmao and I don't wann edit it so here have some shit...

Logan sighed, running his left hand though the hair of one of his boyfriends. Said boy laid on Logan's lap in-between his legs, content with the situation he was in. Patton always loved it when Logan would play with his hair. It was calming, soothing and just tranquil. Nothing could harm this moment, for they were entirely engrossed in each other.

"I love you..." Patton slipped out, reaching his right hand up to gently caress his  boyfriends hand. Logan chuckled in slight amusment, leaning down and resting a singular peck on the other man's forehead. This received a sweet giggle from the cookie loving monster.

"I heard the word Love, did someone call for me?" Roman questioned, rising up right by Logan. Logan's head was resting on thr arm of the couch as he looked iver to Roman, scoffing slightly.

"Me? Call for you? Rediculous." Logan mocked, continuing to massage his lovers scalp, ignoring the offended huff of his other partner.

"I did Ro! Let me play with you hair!!" Patton called out, satisfaction on his face from the movements of Logan's hands.

Roman blinked down at his two lovers before laughing, and sitting down in-between Patton's legs. His hair was imediently attacked with soft stroked and little circles. Patton wasted no time getting Roman to relax just as the two of them already had.

Virgil peeked around the corner, wanting to go over there and get inti that somehow- but they're also so happy looking... His anxiety couldn't let him do it.

So he sat back, watching from a distance as his boyfriends cuddled eachother. A Shakey breath left his lips, skin craving the touch of the three men he was in love with. Relaxing. He rarely actually let himself get to the point of relaxation. He had to be alert to help Thomas...

Then Patton said something, "I wonder where Virgil is... That's all this is missing.. I want him.."

Virgil's eyes widened, blinking a few times as a warm smile crossed his face.

"I saw him in the kitchen before I sat down.." Roman snitched, smirking knowingly.

Virgil gasped softly, before stepping out.

"Hey guys ...."

"Come on Virgil! Let's get in a circle and just play with each other hair!" Patton clapped with Glee, moving from his spot in-between Roman and Logan to sit on the floor. Logan and Roman slowly following siut.

Virgil let out a breathy chuckle, before sitting infront of Roman, in-between his legs as Logan sat in front of him. Virgil resisted the urge to imediently fall asleep, hesitantly linking his hands with Logan's hair, who let out a noise of approval.

Virgil smiled a bit brighter, leaning into Roman's touch as he stocked up on the contact that he craved so much, and rarely wanted received.

After about two minutes of this, Virgil's.hand had stopped working, Logan asking a quiet "Virgil?"

It turns out that the boy infront of Roman had fallen asleep. Only then did he realize that Patton had too fallen asleep while playing with Roman's hair. He smirked at his hearts, sighing out contently.

He leaned back into Virgil, who snuggled up with Roman and Patton on the floor. Logan joined in aswell, glad to see them all so peaceful and innocent.

He   was   just    glad,

          That  Virgil  could  finally  let himself  relax.

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