Thomas x Roman//My Hero

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Thomas was sitting on Tumblr, occasionally laughing and rebloging something.

Then his phone let off a ding.

One new message from Roman.

My Prince🤴: Thomas

Thomas glanced down at his phone, eyebrow raised.

My Prince 🤴: uhm.. do you love me?

Thomas let out a loud laugh at the adorable message his boyfriend. He unlocked the phone, clicking Roman's contact.

Me: oh Princey, of course I do! You're my creativity, Self confidence and boyfriend. How couldn't I love you?

My Prince 🤴: r u sure? Because sometimes I feel like I let you down... Like yesterday? Remember the creativity block thomas? creativity had a creativity bloc!!!!!!

Thomas only chuckled once more, thinking about just how cute the fantabulous side was when he spoke validation.

Me: Princey, no, never! You'd never let me down. You're my hero, my prince charming. Come get in here and give me some cuddles.

Nothing happened for a while, So Thomas went back to surfing through the social media platform of cancer. Eventually, a sullen Roman rose from the floor, but he had a small smile at seeing his lover.

"Hey, Thomas.."

Thomas chuckled for the third time that night and held his arms out. Roman crawled over with no hesitation, wrapping his legs around Thomas's legs , sitting his knees on the couch Thomas sat at.

Thomas had sat down his laptop in order to hold Princey better, arms snaking around the romantic traits waist. Roman had snuggled his nose comfortably in the crook of Thomas's neck.

"I love you, My Hero." Thomas whispered into Roman's ear.

"If only you could love me as much as I love you. Then you'd know how it truly feels to be overwhelmed with passion and love. " Roman gushed, causing Thomas to pull him into a sweet, tranquil kiss.

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