(Demus) Boredom

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((This is an excerpt, This will be longer than this tiny little part))

Remus sighed out a long groan. The sound bouncing off the walls and falling upon deaf ears. He played with the edge of his mustache, turning the end between his pointer finger and thumb. Dion, his husband, is busy. Dee isn't usually that busy, always giving Remus his fair sharer of love and affection. By no means was he a neglectfull partner. Yet alas, sometimes he did need his alone time.

BUT its been an HOUR, and Remus wasn't sure he could just sit around and stab random stuff for much longer. It didn't help that anything he stabbed didn't make a noise of pain afterwards. What's the fun if it's not alive right?

Remus peeked out of his and Dion's bedroom door, smiling deviously towards the back of the big leather chair. The top of his lovers bowler hat peeking above it, as the chair rocked ever so slowly. The lamp illuminating the book in his hand as he tried his best to relax.

Remus's smile only grew, mischeviously sneaking up, ever so slowly, creeping towards the back of the chair....


Dion flipped a page, and in the same amount of time it took to complete the turn, he felt the usual weight atop his head dissapear. He looked up from his book, and straight ahead. Sighing.

He could never just have a moments peace.

Though, as he stood up, his annoyance turned into more of a appreciation. Remus showed his love in strange ways. Sometimes, that was forcing Dion to give him attention.

Quietly, Dion made his way behind his chair. Glancing down the hallway from which his partner came. Then, he began to walk in that direction. He was in no rush. Letting his lover believe falsely that he could hide from him. Making the chances more fair.

It wasn't hard to spot him. The small peice of green and black ruffles that peeked from the hallway closet. Dion rolled his eyes.

Without any footsteps to be heard, he approached the closet. Leaning in, he pressed his ear against the door. The left side of his scarred face being covered by the hair that draped freely from lack of head wear. He coukd hear muffled giggling from the inside.

A heartbreaking thought occurred to him. What if he just ignored him, and never got up? He blinked thoes thoughts away. He could never ignore Remus when he is innocently seeking love.

In a bat of an eyelash, Dion ripped the door open. Remus letting out a horrified but entertained squeal. Dion was amused, evident so by the low chuckle that escaped him as he took a step closer.

"Remus, gimme the hat."

"What if I dont?" He asked in a teasing tone, backing up into the closet under the stairs some more.

"Re." Dion warned.

"De." Remus echoed, big smile and bright eyes as he held the hat behind his back.

Another step closer.

"If you don't, I'll just go back to reading. If you do, maybe I'll give you what you really want.~" he said, copying the teasing tone

"Sex?" Remus asked in an excited tone.

Dion could only laugh a little more as he walked in and closed the door behind him. Shutting it tightly. He leaned im, and started kissing his lover. Who eargarly kissed back, having been away from Dion for far too many hours. The husbands sharing a sweet passionate kiss.

When Dion broke away, he planted a kiss on his nose, then his cheek, then his forehead. A hundred kisses, anywhere he could reach, driving Remus crazy. Enough to make him forget to hide the hat.

When the time was right, Deceit snatched the hat away.

"Wh- hey!" Remus said, looking somewhat hurt.

"You. Me. Room. Two minutes." He stated with a purr.

Remus flushed, and nodded. Very, very glad he took his hat.

At least Deceit found something better to do than read a book.

Or should I say, someone?

So yeah pg13 like I've said I don't wanna go full NSFW because idk how I feel about helping kids get off yknow?

This was a request!
I strayed a little bit but yeah! 

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