(Roceit) Boy troubles

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"You will not silence me!!" Roman shouted, struggling in Patton's embrace. The fatherly trait holding onto the creative trait as tight as he could. Princey flailing and letting out screams as he did so.

"What on Earth is going on?!" Logan asked as he stepped into the living room, imediently taken aback by the mess and spazzing prince charecter.

"Oh Hi Logan!" Patton cheered as if he wasn't holding Roman down so that all he could do is kick his legs.

"Patton..?" Logan urged him to explain.

"Uhm- okay well-"

"I hate this let me go!!" Roman interupted.

"Ro is having some... Boy troubles."

"UHG" Princey threw his head back, almost headbutting Patton in the face. Who skillfully moved out of the way.

Logan went to walk away.

"No! We need you!" Patton said. "Roman, I'll let you go, but please stop breaking stuff?"

The prince stopped flailing. Falling still but lefting out a long, grotesque groan. "Fffff-ine." He stated longingly. Face pressed up against thd carpet in defeat.

Patton stood up, dusting off his pants.

"What is the requirements for my being here?" Logan inquiried, honestly just wanting nothing to do with the situation. Expecially because it considered- uhk. Feelings.

"Duh silly! You're logic! The best Logic I know." Patton chirped.

"I'm the only logic you know."

"Exactly!" Patton stated happily, as if Logan had proven his point, when he really just stated the obvious.

It was Logan's turn to groan, shaking his head. "Alright. Proceed."

"I don't want Logan to know-" Roman went to say, but as Roman said 'don't' Patton said: "Roman has a crush on Deceit!"

"Oops!" Patton scolded himself, hands going to his lips. "Sorry Ro!"

Logan forced himself to hold back a yawn, shaking his head. "Once again. How does this involve me?"

"Well..." Patton began. "What would be the most logical thing to do?"

Logan seemed to ponder for only a second before answering. "Obviously, with Roman's charecter, the most expected thing would be some sort of over the top, exquisite confession of love in old English-"

Roman, still on the floor said

"No. It's was actually the opposite of a good idea. The most logical thing would be to a) not interupt me you heathen, and b) leave a subtle note of your affections. May I leave now? I have important business to attend to."

Aka Crofters and a big spoon.

Patton gasped, basically ignoring Logan's request of freedom. "Yeah! Let's leave him something he would like, with a little note attached to it!!"

Roman was off the floor in a second, smiling brightly. Seemingly forgetting that he was just having a stressful meltdown a few seconds ago. Love... It fucks you up, man. You know what im talking about.

"So? Uh- what does he like?" Patton asked as Logan sunk down, unnoticed.

Roman paused, then blinked a few times. "Uh- uhm... Snakes?"

"Well yeah, but that's too obvious." Patton said, finger on his chin. "What else?"

"I..." Roman paused, blinking rapidly. "I honestly don't know."

"Wait. You like him? But don't know what he likes?" Patton quizzed. When Roman nodded, the bewildered look on his face was reply enough.

"I guess- I dunno. He's so mysterious. Secretive. Like, kind of like how Virgil was, remember?"

"Of course I do!" Patton said, suddenly feeling nostalgic.

"Yeah but like, for some reason, when he does it? It's HOT... I have theories about him. I'm like, obsessed with him, but the more I tried to find out the more questions there were. So... I suppose I stopped asking."

Patton gasped once more, doing a small happy dance. "Roman!"

Roman just looked at him. He already had his attention. Why call it again. "Uhm-"

"What if you ASK what he likes?!"

"What who likes?" Deceit's voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the stairs.

"LEONY!" Roman spouted nonsense in panic, nearly falling backwards where he was standing. "I mean- uh-"

"Wow. It sure is often to see the confident prince so out of his zone. What's eating you Princey?" Dece asked softly, walking over to the two of them.

Patton stayed silent, urging Roman to make some sort of move just with his eyes.

But Roman said nothing.

So De spoke up.

"You know I heard everything since the tantrum right?" Deceit asked, laughing. Watching as the creative side flared up a dark hue of redish pink.

"Oooo-" Patton began, slowly as he started sinking out, small smile on his lips.

"You- uh- did?"

"Yeah... You think I'm hot?"

Roman wheezed, his legs almost giving out. "Of-of course. We have the same face."

"Mm.. no. We don't. I have a face unique to all of yours."

This made Roman not only more attracted to him, but it also provided Roman the realization that he was- for once- not being self centered.

"So uhm... I dig waffles. We can eat waffles sometime."

"Waffles. Yes. Sounds fabulous!" Roman stated, having no idea what hes saying. Mainly just trying to seem well put together.

"And hey, don't be ashamed that you're a big baby. I get it. I feel the same about you. " He told the truth, pressing two gloved fingers to his lips. Then, bringing them to Roman's cheek before continuing into the kitchen.

Leaving Roman to stand there.


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