(Platonic Anxceit)Little Snek* Part One

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Deceit slithered along the ground,  glancing up at the strawberry bush in the humans garden.  It was dangerous to be here,  yes he knew.  It was stupid to be here,  he was also aware.  Highly.  He was just,  so danm hungry.  The little snake  human hybrid knew he needed food.  Most snakes could sneak underground,  to where the markets were.  However,  Deceit was most unwelcome there.  He was known for theft, not being able to afford alot. He was also known as manipulative,  and convinced everyone around him for a long time that he was a nice guy. 
De was not a nice snake. 

Well,  i mean,  inside he was. He knew he did bad things and he felt awful every time. Yet he had to steal the things he did,  and he had to lie like he did.  Or else he would have been long dead.  He was too young for a job or anything-

So here he was.  Way outside of the saftey zone for the snake hybrids,  far from the village and marketplace.  Looking up at a big,  giant strawberry bush.  He nodded,  bravery surging though him as he slithered his little way over to the base of the stalk. From there,  be began his climb. He made his way to a limb and rested there for a moment,  conserving his energy.  He didnt need a very big one,  just one of the little strawberries.  The ones the humans dont really care about. 

The young snake hybrid had finally made it up,  tail following him as he made it up by grabbing onto with his tiny left hand;  his dominant hand.  Huffing,  he smiled in his success.  Now for lunch!

Eyes locking on his target,  he maneuvered forward.  A strawberry,  as big as his head but only bite sized for a human...  He wasn't a very big snake..

He grabbed onto the dark red,  succulent beauty. Smile ever so evident on his face as he thought of his soon to be full belly.  Imediently he slithered down the plant cautiously.  As he made it,  he slithered out into the yard. The grass was dry and easy for him to glide across,  success and pride over-joying him.  He did it.  He survived another few days. 

He looked up to the sky,  silently celebrating.  He stuck out his tougn,  looking back at the berry in his hands.  It smelt amazing.  Leaning dow he took a large bite of the berry,  the seeds popping on his sharp little teeth.  He wished he could get some meat or some bugs,  but he was far too little to hunt big game. Or little game,  for that matter.  He would grow it just,  would take awhile.  Expecially with this lack of food...

Suddenly, he noticed the ground around him had grown very dark. Something had cast a shadow where he was standing. Looking ho slowly, he gulped. When he saw a human, and a giant pale hand reaching towards him and let out a screech. He attempted to run, completely ditching the berry he had just barely started eating.

Then he felt two strong pinchers wrap around under his arm pits. They squeezed a little more than gently, and Deceit let out a strangled yelp. Tears began to flow quickily as he realize he was going to die.

He tried to bite at the fingers,  but in turn he was only turned up side down.  He cried out,  shaking his head and holding his arms out.  He didnt want to be eaten!! 

Virgil stared at the being infront of him,  holding it by its tail.  He looked closely and noticed the being was obviously terrified.  Virgil noticed the little berry on the ground and smirked. 

"Were you stealing from my garden? " the teenager asked,  laughing softly. The thing seemed to understand,  and Virge was amazed.  It cowered back in fear, and the smallest high pitch noise came from him.

Virgil imediently fell in love.

Virge placed the apparently-smart-enough-to-understand-English-snake-human on his shoulder. Deceit was obviously confused, gasping as he was right next to a humans ear. Like holy fuck.

Virgil walked over to the strawberry bush,  squatting down. He picked two large strawberries,  much to Deceits supprise and confusion.  The little being with the half snake face stared with curiously,  fear and confusion.

Virgil nodded,  satisfied.  With the new found pet or friend,  whichever,  and their food,  he made his way into the home once again.

You see,  this human lived alone.  He had just moved in,  about four or five months ago.  That had been why there  hadn't been a single death for that long.  The previous owner was a snake hater,  and went hunting for them in "his woods."

Virgil went in and got a jar,  setting the snake inside.  He then set the jar on a table,  smiling down at the little snake creature.  The reptile had gotten kinda shaken up during that. 

"Sorry!" Virgil  whispered,  dropping the two berries in the jar.  The little being hissed and curled in on themselves,  much to Virgil's humor. 

Virge sat nearby,  giving the far too skinny snake some deserved space.  The poor guy was just hungry,  and was something virgil had never seen before!  It was like a reptile,  snake fairy! They had the upper body of a human with scaled down the side of their face and chest and side,  which fed into a small tail that had beautiful yellow and green patterns. They couldn't have been more than three inches long and maybe four completely stretched. 

Virgil smiled down at the snake,  chuckling.  "How cute. " Virge murmured,  watching it rip from the berry like it had murdered his family. 

"That good? " the anxious man asked, wandering over to his many books about animals and gardening.  He grabbed one and flipped through,  stopping on the snake section.  Slowly coming back over,  he sat down looking at the snake,  then back at the picture.

After* a little while he finally found the species that was this snake.  He glanced down,  and nodded tryumphetly. 

According to the snakes patterns, behavior and movements,  this was a simple yellow garden snake.  Male,  at that.  Virgil set the book down,  looking at the now covered in berry being. 

This was the start of something wonderful. 

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