Siblings (Romus!)

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So @RemusWantsToFight wrote Remus as being nonbinary and I just really loved it so- yeah so he's Agender I'm this and not a he.

Also someone requested Reman fluff so yeet

Oh yeah also sympathetic!Remus lmao!
No unsympathetic sides.

Also, I think the ship name romantic wise (incest) is remrom, but the platonic brother name should just be like Romus. I love me some Romus!


Trigger warning: Remus uses it/its pronouns!


Remus missed spending time with its brother. It missed seeing him all the time, missed the games, the jokes, the laughing. Yet that was so long ago, and Remus was wishing for something impossible. It tended to drive people away. They were scared of Remus, or annoyed, or weirded out. However, it doesn't blame them. Remus knows it can be too much. Never sure when enough is enough, always going too far, only realizing when it's too late. Messing with Thomas had to be the most fun thing, however.

Remus was in the light side. Sitting on top of the staircase, looking through the little handrail down at its brother as he snuggled with his other friends. It wasn't upset, or jelous, really. It loved that Roman was happy, and had friends, and was all the good parts of who they used to be.

Remus wants to tell him, tell him something really important. Something it has known for a very long while now. Something that a brother should know, expecially a twin. But he wasn't exactly sure if he could. How he would take it, if he would think better or worse of Remus. If he would accept it, or if he wouldn't. What if they thought Remus transphobic, which it is not.

You see, Remus is Genderless. Not exactly trans, not exactly cis. Just, right in the middle of both. No other pronouns seem to make Remus feel as valid as, it. He, is the worst, she, not even thought of. They wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, bringing a new meaning to "a neutral pronoun".. neopronouns were just, there were so many, and none really clicked. Remus has identified with it pronouns for quite a long time. It has identified as genderless for longer. Around the time that they split.

Remus had a theory, which is a word it learned from Logan. That before he and Remus actually split, the one whole creativity was a whole man. When they split, all of that male went into Roman, leaving Remus genderless. Not that he needed a reason, nor did anyone. It still made sense, to him, so cause or not, he was gonna use that.

Remus has stuggled recently. For a while, was even in denial. It didn't want to like these pronouns. It wished that it could just have a gender and be normal, like any person, or side of a gendered person. It also had stuggled because of fear. Fear no one would accept it. Fear it would be called transphobic.

Dont even mention how much everyone totally loves Remus. People just flock away. They litterally take off the opposite direction, if they know what's good for them. So of course this part of Remus may not be the best one to share. There was just the right amount of hatred. Any more and there would be an imbalance. It didn't want anything else damaging the way they saw it. Or the way it saw itself.

Remus watched as Roman got up. Smiling at the brother, who streached infront of them much to anxieties dismay. The creative trait only shrugged, and walked around the couch, and into the kitchen.

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