Analogical•••Ramen with Crofters•••

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Trigger warning

Unhealthy eating habits
Lack of self care

Anxiety sighed, slowly slumping down the chair he had sat in. It wasn't the best choice, eating only ramen for five days. Yet here he was, holding another bowl of chicken Ramen in his hands. He had already dated all four of the pork ones, two roast beef ones, and a shrimp one. Litterally all he was eating was Ramen, ocasionally putting slices of different vegitables in there with it.

Logan walked in. He had been watching Virgil endulge in the unhealthy, useless and uneautritional food for almost a week. It was getting to him, to say the least.

The Logical side approached Anxiety, taking the bowl out of the anxious traits hands like no big deal, careful not to spill the juice.

Anxiety scoffed, up on his feet. "Hey what the fuck that's my lunch!!"

"No, I'm afraid, this is my lunch. You will be having Two Burritos, and for dinner you are having slow roast,  mashed potatoes and green beans with corn with the rest of us." Logan stated, much to Virgil's dismay.

"Logan nooo..."

"Logan yes. I'll be right back."

Logan walked into the kitchen, placing the blue plastic bowl down on the counter and going to the freezer to get Virgil bean and cheese burritos. He was also planning on hiding the Ramen. Nobody should eat that much wax noodles for that long. That wasn't a good source of calories; it wasn't a good source of anything!

Logan put the burritos on the plate, sticking them into the microwave for two minutes. Though he heard shuffling and when he turned his head, he gasped.

"Virgil! No! Drop the Ramen now!" Logic demanded, to which the side hissed, ducking down with the bowl of ramen in hand.

Logan sighed for a second, pinching his nose. He walked over to Virgil, whom was violently slurping up noodles.

"You're addiction with this unhealthy poor people food from Asia is getting out of hand!" Logan complained, trying to gently take the soup from Anxiety. The side only let out a ear piercing screach, to which Logan tugged the soup, spilling some of the jiuce onto the floor.

"Mine!!" Logan called, walking back into the kicthen, grabbing the plate and a fork and shoving it into Virgil's chest; who had ran after Logan trying to get the soup."you require something to actually provide you neutrition. Please do not restrict your body from getting nourishment Virgil..."

The side only grumbled, taking the plate and walking away.

Logic felt pretty good about himself as he threw away all of the ramen. All the different kinds. He didn't even care. Not one care at all.

Later that night Logan stayed true to his word and made Anx eat until he couldn't eat anymore. Logic didn't force him, his stomach had probably shrunk from lack of proper meal. But once he saw he had eaten enough, he felt completed.

Virgil woke up from a dreamless sleep, only darkness in his room. It was night time, 2;46 am to be exact. This meant he was most likely the only one awake. Though his room would be blindingly dark to most, Virgil was used to it, and could see almost everything in his room.

Slipping out of bed, he figured that he did need something else to eat. He didn't want to be, but he was craving a peice of toast with some butter atop.

Putting on his purple silky slippers so the wooden hallway didn't chill his feet to ice, he went acrossed the room. He opened the door, making his way out and down the hallway, eventually to the Strairs to the living room and kicthen.  He took slow steps down each stair, careful not to make any sound.

Though, halfway down, he spotted the Kitchen. The light was on, meaning someone either left the light on, unlikely, to someone was awake, very likely.

Standing at the doorway, Virgil blinked for a second, before his face melted into one of confusion and smugness. He crossed his arms, leaning against the door frame with his left shoulder blade.

"Hypocrite much?"

At the voice Logan spun around, taking the spoon from his mouth. He had a crofters jar in his right hand, spoon in the other. He stared at Virgil with wide eyes, like a deer stuck in the headlights. A guilty look formed on his face, knowing he looked like a toddler caught in the cookie jar. The trait had jam all over his jaw, loose pijamas on. The light was the fridge.

"I can explain-"

"Don't bother... Just gimme some of that with my toast would ya?"

Logan's smile said it all.

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