Virgil- Bad Guy

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The teen blended into the shadows with ease. Lips puckered around a freshly lit joint, blowing the smoke and watching it swirl and mix with the wind. Sat on a ledge, looking out at the city that seemed to hate him. Or perhaps that was only what he thought. Legs dangling from the window sill he sat upon. Resembling wind chimes or bamboo sticks, lifelessly letting the wind carry them but unmoving from their spot.

Virgil was the teenagers name. And he's a self proclaimed bad boy.

He's painted graffiti, been caught shop lifting and even egging some kids house. However nobody knows why. They ser him as a freek. A nobody. Something to be hunted and killed. Dressed in black, with spiked gloves. Dyed purple tips on his long bangs that swept over his eyes. Dull and dead expression as he watched the stars move in the sky ever so slowly.

He had parents. He had alot of things before he decided to throw his life away. It was better this way. After all, if there's nobody to dissapoint, then he'll never be a dissapointment.

Or perhaps he will always be.

He blinked from his thought. Pressing the dead roach out on the side of the apartment building. This house wasn't his. He owned nothing, save a joint here and there. No, he was just situated on some random persons window sill. A mundane ocurance for the cat like menace.

Grabbing onto a pole, he quickly maneuvered around and landed onto the window below him. Then again. This continued for about three more stories, before he finally reached the bottom.

Looking up at the high place he once was, he sighed. Maybe one day he'd just fall. Wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit.

But he didn't want to die. Nah. He was just tierd. More than physically, aswell. You couldnt tell due to the excessive amount of black eyeshadow under his eyes; but he has bags. From insomnia, stress, and the thing that pluaged him daily, anxiety.

He continued on his way. Walking down the sidewalk, looking as if he came from a grave. Virgil grabbed his hoodie and pulled it up over his head. Reaching into his pocket and putting in some earbuds. As to maybe ignore the noise of traffic and city chatter. Even at night, it was as if this place never rests.

After some time, and by time meaning a few hours, Virgil had made it to the town's outskirts. Where he "lived" if you could call it that. A small, makeshift shelter was there. With some non-perishable food items, water, a fireplace and what appeared to be a rain catcher. Along with plenty of tools and items stolen from stores.

His little nest, he thought with a smile.

Finally unleashing his giant black wings. The span reaching about twenty feet as they rosenibto the air and streched. Virgil's arms going up with him, yawning quietly. The wings lowered, resting behind him, folded to his back.

Walking over to his shelter, he started a fire. Holding out his hands to take in the warmth. Rare smile on his face as he finally felt at peace for a moment. Just a moment.

His eyes caught something glistening. Curious, Virgil bent down and picked uo the item that was close to the fire pit.

Running a hand over it, Virgil came to realize it was his locket he had lost a few months back. The smile on his face disapeered. Opening it, he came face to face with a picture of him and his parents. Small Virgil, smiling happily with his mother and father. Actually wearing some color in the photo, even.

Back when Virgil wasn't a monster.

Back when they loved him.

Back when he was happy.

He closed the locket, whipping the tears from his cheeks. Turning to his makeshift bed, he laid down on it. Curling up under the stolen blankets and worn out pillow. Looking up at the stars in the sky through the cracks in his roof.

Sighing, he curled into a ball. Just hoping he would fall asleep soon. Praying to a god he doesn't believe in for the sweet release of sleep or death. Anything. Something.

His hand curled up to his chest. Locket in hand. He took a deep breath, and said,

"You'll always be the bad guy, Virgil..."

And was out like a light, letting the sweet sound of music in his ears drift him away.

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