Logan- Demiboy

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Trigger warning
Self deprication
Kinda Anxiety?

Everyone knows Logan as the knowledge.  The brain,  the logic,  the smarts. It was simple, he just took it upon himself to research things.  It was different,  one wouldn't think your brain is smarter than it's host- but it was.  Maybe by about ten percent.

So,  of course,  Logan was reading up on something that to this day seemed to baffle majority of the population; Nonbinary identities.  Thomas has two nonbinary friends,  and a friend who is both male and female,  so of course knowledge is power in this scenario. 

It's funny,  the fact that some Fanders watch Thomas and believe he only has Male and Female friends.  The fact that people believe there are only male or female in general.  Now,  Logan found /that/ confusing.  8 billion people,  and all of them are either only male or female?  Highly doubtful.

He had read up on the ancient gender identities,  such as The Mahus of Hawaii,  Twospirit of North America,  Warias of Indonesia,  The Kathoeys of Thailand.  All of which became oppressed one way or another,  usually by white settlers. 

Research like this continued for around an hour. Pronouns,  watching many Riley J. Dennis and Ash Hardell, plus some videos, interacting with those who identified as such and so on. Then he decided to dive in,  because why not?  Knowledge always finds its way to him anyways,  so he may as well fill up correct?

Entering "Nonbinary Identities" into the Google search bar and clicking enter,  his eyes widened a bit.  There we're wikihows, and tons of amazing information and facts.  With a smile,  he began to learn the terms.

Nonbinary; Not always a gender identity,  but it can be used to explain such. Someone Nonbinary is not 100% man or 100% women,  but can be a mix, prices of,  or neither,  or something else.  Every human experiences this differently.

Genderqueer;  Once again everyone can explain this differently,  and is rather close to Nonbinary. This is having a gender that is simply queer,  and can also be used to explain a sexuality.

Bigender- someone who is two genders at once.  This can mean Male and female,  for example.  An individual can change from male and female daily,  have a consistent feeling of both,  or something else entirely.  Once again,  the definition changes with the person behind it.

Logan smiled down at the noted he was taking.  That was like Jay.

Transgender;  is not a gender identity.  For one to be Transgender,  the simply do not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.  This can co-align with any Nonbinary Gender.

He continued this way,  writing down different words,  facts and figures.  He pronounced each word,  before writing it down.  Agender, Neutrois, Trigender, Polygender, Pangender..

He scratched his head. He understood that majority of people wouldn't need to learn this until they meet someone who uses such a term.  Which seemed like a safe assumption in his book.

He decided to learn about one more before he closed down his Laptop for the night.  Demigender. Consisting of one gender,  with a little bit of something else.

He stared at the screen,  the light of the Google page lighting up his glasses.  The breath got caught in his throat as he sat back a little more in his chair.  This was a gender identity?  No flippen way.  He didn't have gender dysphoria, and had no desire to transition or anything such as that...

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