(No Ship) Dont spin Logan.

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Trigger warning

Vomit. It gets kinda detailed but not about the vomiting itself idk idk why


((Also yes the background is me idk also idk idk))

((Also im so proud of this one okokok)))

"Roman! Put me down at once! I command it!"

The only reply the logical trait received was an idioticly adorable and obnoxious chuckle. After minutes of planning, Roman had scooped Logan up, for no reason at all, and was now carrying him like a firefighter carries people from a burning building. Logan was slung over his shoulder, fists pounding on the back of the fantible trait, his glasses long had fallen off and his face was fuming red from anger and emberrasment. The other had interrupted his research just to prance around the mind palace with Logic on his shoulder like an imbecile. The other saw no point in what Roman was doing, and wanted it to cease imediently. Though, it continued, and with each minute that passed Logan found himself loosing strength in his arms. Blood rushing to his head, making his face redder than before.

Roman stopped in the middle of the living room, where he was sure he wouldn't accidentally hit Logan on anything. The latter was trying to steady his breathing, and when Roman stopped running, he stopped banging on the others spine. Logan looked down at the ground, the only thing able to see was the prince's lower half and the whiteish mocha carpet that sealed the floor down. His eyes suddenly widened in realization that Roman was planning something.

"R-Roman- wait, NO-"

As if on cue, the grip Creativity had on him tightened. The sash wearing male had began to spin, laughter spilling from his vocal cords. He didn't go all that fast. However, to Logan, not being able to grab onto anything but Roman's white attire and having the surroundings become more blurry than usual was rather /terrifieing/ and felt like it was much faster than reality. Roman was entertained by the way Logic reacted, finding the flailing legs of his friend hilarious.

The loud shriek Logan emitted, no longer angry and now just scared and upset, was enough to alert the other three that had been around at that time. Roman continued to spin on his heal, stopping and going the other direction despite the many protests and pleas. He could not hear the other beg for Roman to stop over his own joyous giggles.

Remy peeped his head into the living room, about to tell whoever it was to shut their pie holes; before spotting the amazing sight. He doubled over, holding his side as laughter poored from him. Sleep was quick to recover, hand going to his pocket to video tape this before Morality came in and ruined it. He was recording for maybe twenty seconds of Logan screaming as Roman spun, before Virgil and Patton burst in, tripping over each other.

"What's going on-"

"We heard screaming!"

Roman stopped spinning at the slightly distorted voice of Anxiety and worried voice of Patton. He gave a bright, innocent smile towards the other three, having known Remy was there for a while. Logan's legs pointing towards Patton and Logan, but the angle Remy was in showed half of Logan's face.

Logan's mind was a jumbled mess, as his brain had just got done sloshing around inside of his head. He relaxed, a small groan coming from him as he basically felt his spirit leave his body. He was either going to throw up, or pass out, or maybe both he didn't know. A hand shot for his mouth as the firmilliar feeling of bile rose in his throat.

Patton gasped, and Remy was laughing while Virgil didn't even know what to think. He did infact find it funny, however he knew that Roman could take things a bit too far.

"What are you doing oh my god Roman put him down!!!" Patton barely shouted out in a scolding tone before Romans eyes went wide, disgust on his features. His skin went whiter than Virgil's foundation, a Shakey breath coming from his lungs as he slowly placed Logan down on the couch. Whom had just emptied his stomach onto the back of Roman Sanders.

The room was quiet besides Remy's violent laughing, who had stopped taping as soon as the other sat Logan down. He looked up at Roman, whiping tears from his eyes and taking in some deep breaths, trying to stop laughing. "Karma is one heck of a bitch, Ro!" He stated before disappearing into the floor.

Logan looked up at the Royal trait, the room still spinning as he groaned, grabbing his head and stomach at once. "M sorry..." Logan mumbled out, not noticing the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes.

Patton was already at his side, hugging Logan and trying to calm him until the room became less of a circus ride. Patt would have scolded Sleep for swearing, but he had sunk out too fast. Virgil, though, had a small smirk on his face. Though he felt terrible for Logan at that moment, he also found it hilarious that Roman got what he deserved. Ro was a priss, so even the littlest things like dirt and dust on himself made him visibley cringe. Also, Roman wouldn't live that down; not after Remy posts that video over every platform there is out there.

Logan looked awful, sweat beading his forehead and vomit lining his lips. He brought his arm up, whiping it and leaning back on the couch, groaning from the migraine that had began to form inside of his brain. Roman, could be an insufferable moron sometimes. Though, he didn't blame him. He didn't know. For one like Morality, that may have been more enjoyable. For him, it was like being thrown into a blender and then swallowed.

The prince charming took in a deep breath, arms out as to not move more than necessary. Bits of vomit dripped from his white, beautiful shirt and onto the ground. What once was a pearly, shinning outfit was now a peice of smelly, puke covered garbage. Ever so quickly, the Prince sunk down, mumbling a small apology as he realized the error of his ways.

No spinning Logan. Got it.

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