(Logicality) Extraterrestrial (part 1?)

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Alarms blared through the ship as lights flashed in a unique pattern. The crew scurrying to get to the escape pods.

"Captain! You have to get to the pods! Now!" A cadet roared to the small captain.

The Captain, a small, blonde humanoid alien, with florescent light blue skin and shimmering freckles, simply shook his head.

"I have to stay here- I have to keep the whole thing from exploding before you all can get away. Just go, I will be okay."

"But sir-"

The kind captain turned around, resting a hand against his cadets face. "You will be okay. Go home to your children."

The other, close to tears, nodded, giving his captain a salute before he turned and ran.

The alien captain turned back to the central command. Taking a deep breath in as he pressed a sequence of buttons. Fingernail less falangies making their way across the buttons with ease. Focus encasing the aliens smooth, soft and gentle features.

He let out a scream as he felt the ship go through turbulence, picking himself back up and repositioning himself. Hairless eyebrows knitting together as he stared down at the panel. Tying desperately, and succeeding, to keep the ship in one piece while there were still active escape pods unactivated. His hair that connected together much like the fin of a fish, or lines I'm a feather, fell infront of his face.

He brought an injured hand up to move the golden hair from his face. Gasping as the air in his ship depleted. Warnings echoing in his ears that didn't lift up from his head like a humans does. Big black eyes staring at the incoming planet.

Clock device on, the ship should never be found now. All pods gone, he noted, hands going every place they could. Another bound of turbulence knocked the small alien off his balance, gasping as he grabbed a lever and pulled, turning off all engines.

A free fall.

Patton stood tall, staring with teary eyes at what he assumed to be his end. There was fire, alot of smoke. He was in so much pain, curled up against the side of his own ship, strapping himself down. Just in time for the ship to jottle around. Patton expected never to wake up again.
His alarm blared, letting the wanna be scientist know it was time to wake up.

Logan woke up and did his usual routine of getting dressed, eating, brushing his teeth and hair, and then having a cup of tea with a good book on the back porch of his little cottage in the country.

He enjoyed his life. Out away from people where he could study what he wanted, how he wanted. Where he could see the stars better than in the city. Where he couldn't hear any cars, trains or planes. Just birds, bugs and his wind chimes.

He didn't really think too much when he saw a strange light by the sun. It was probably just his glasses, they had a sun flare. He thought nothing of that, flipping a page.

However, he didn't expect when he closed his book, to look up and see in the distance a huge ship, not at all human at least from what he knows, crash into his field.

He ducked behind his walls at the last second as the wind of the explosion traveled over the horizon. Logan taking deep breaths as he slowly stood up again. His house settling in agreement. He stepped outside.

It was monsterous. He couldn't believe he is he only person for miles to have witnessed it! He grabbed a notebook, put on his shoes and jacket, and took off.

It was further away than it looked. Hold up your hand and hold it out in the sky, and that's about how big it looked. But it was miles away.

Logan booked it, running with all his strength towards the ship. If it wasn't alien, it was top secret and most likely confidential military experiments. Both Logan could work with!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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