(platonic LAMP) Understood

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((Okay! For thoes of you who don't know? I'm on the spectrum! The,,, autism, spectrum, that is. So don't go freekin out at me for making Logan a fellow aspie! Based off of my autistic behaviors, but not completely. He's his own person yanno? For example I am very verbal. Okay so yeet happy late haloween how do you spell it idk idc, enjoy this spooky special.))

Logan wasn't one for holidays. He never had been. When other kids went out trick or treating, he usually stayed inside, did a puzzle, read a book, and then completed his nightly routine of cleanliness before bed. Holidays were just normal days for him. People often asked if he was a jahovas witness, and upon hearing that his reasoning for not wishing to participate in holiday festivities wasn't religious, made to feel wierd.

That was, he didn't used to celebrate. After he met his new friends, something he has been blessed with, they all participated. So he suddenly had a reason to join. A good reason, other than candy.

Oh, did I mention that he often is nonverbal? Talking has never been his stong siut. He can talk, if he wishes, but he is rarely understood or taken seriously. His mother still treats him like a toddler, though he is best in his grade and should probably be in collage at 15. So when these, people, these strangers, approched him at his lonely little lunch table, he was shocked. Not one word was spoken from Logan's mouth, yet they still asked him yes or no questions, and then came back the next day. Never really expecting him to say anything, not asking him to say anything. It was, very nice, Logan recalled.

As I said, he can talk. He just never wants to. Or rather, his mouth doesn't want to. However, on the night of October 31st, he realized why. He has never been close to anyone. No one has ever given him a chance to be close to them. Not even his mother, who claims to love him so. Nobody knows him, except these three. Who were all in his room, getting ready to go knock on houses until the clock struck midnight.

"Patton, your bow tie is crooked."

"Oh? Oops!" He said, fixing it promptly. "Thank you Virgy!"

"Guys, does this make me look fat?" Roman wondered, turning around to display his amazingly creative fairy costume.

Logan shook his head.

Roman pointed at Logan, "Logan said no, therefor I do not." He stated, not even waiting for the other two to reply. For some reason, Logan's approval was so much more authoritized than Patton's or Virgils. The fantabulous teen continuing to apply glitter anywhere he could.

"You're like, the oposite of fat!" Patton protested anyways, to which Roman covered his face.

"I know! I'm sorry, just, you know." Roman, the one nobody expected to be insecure, stated in a flushed mannor.

"Hey Pat could you zip me up?"

The conversation always happened like this. Logan was somehow still involved, but he never said anything. But he wanted to, he realized as he continued to search through the box of outfits for something appropriate that would fit him. It made him feel, so appreciated. Like he belonged, which was a foreign experience in itself.

Logan wrung his hands, squeezing them softly three times in a row. Roman must have saw, because he was at his side in an instant.

"Hey, what's wrong Microsoft?" He asked, down by the box. "Can't find a costume?"

Logan shook his head. His mind racing for the right words. Words. Something he loved, but barely used. What use is an extensive vocabulary if you never use it? He looked at Roman, forcing himself to make a split second of eye contact before smiling slightly. "I'm just, excited."

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