(Loceite) Fireworks

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Warning for mentions of past abuse, PTSD mention kind of, and Deceit has a panic attack so here ya go! Also it's not really that bad.

Have some fluffy Logan x Deceit, with some Dee angst, prinxiety def mentioned)

Logan knew it was that time of year again. It was the time of year when people lit off fireworks, and it continues nonstop throughout the night. All in celebration of their founding fathers. This was one of the joys of living in America on the 4th of July. Sure, they were beautiful! Logic had no problem with them or the fact that people were lighting them off. Even in the mind palace, they could be heard far and near as Thomas tried to get some rest.

Finding it impossible to do the important task of sleep, he shook his head and sat up. Elbows propping him up on the bed, he groaned, tierd evident on his face. He figured that, with the given circumstances, he would get up and make as Anxiety calls them, "I'm having a late night munch. It's like lunch, but at two in the morning."

A sandwich would do him good. Plus, he knew the other sides were infact asleep; besides Anxiety, who was most likely clinging to Prince. Such an irrational thing, to be afraid of fireworks. However, Logan chose to ignore that fear. Virgil wasn't exactly, afraid, per say. The anxious trait was one who would just jump, not suspecting it. Eventually he would calm down, before the next loud crash would go off in the sky. Luckily, he had Creativity, who would hold him until he forgot that he even had an issue with the gunpowder lightshow.

Walking down each step with caution, not wanting to make any more noise in the house that was already filled with lights and loud booms. With another small sigh, he reached the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the railing of the strairs. With a grunt he pushed himself off the stairs, only then realizing he had forgotten to get his glasses. Though this would make his sandwich making task a bit harder.


The dark sides were not kind. Just being on that side of the mind for too long will turn you into an asshole. Deceit was constantly defending himself, since he would never begin the attacks. However, every year, on the fourth of the month, they made sure to never let anything slip by. Deceit tried staying in his rolm, but the mocking laughter outside at each Yelp he emmited made him feel even worse. The others knew that despite the facade, Deceit was a weekling.

As the loud booms echoed through the sky, the lieing side didn't even realize the amount of tears spilling from his eyes. Outside of his locked door, Apathy, Depression and so many others laughed and made fun of De. Said trait was in the corner of his room, knees up to his chest. Not even his snake could help this; nothing could.

"Open up coward" one of the voices spoke with venom, and Deceit shook his head. Even though he knew they couldn't see. The others began to beat on his door, crude and cruel words being thrown through the wood and into his heart.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not af-afrai- AH!" Deceit screached as a firework close to Thomas's house went off. He knew he was lieing to himself, obviously. Though, he only had himself right now.

Suddenly, the voices at the door subsided, and Deceit visibly relaxed as he rested his head against the wall he was pressed to. Silent sobs came from his lips as he just let the tears fall, shakey breaths as he tried to steady himself.

Another loud bang went off, but this one was caused by his door busting open. In came the violent sides of Thomas's mind, which thanks to Deceit, had no power. As long as De was there to keep them from finding the exit, nothing bad would happen. A shriek came from the snake hybrid, eyes wide as Apathy stepped in, baseball bat in hand, dragging on the ground.

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